
Indigenous communities have deep histories of gender nonconforming and trans mobs, argues Ethan Lyons.

Vigils and protests for Aubrey Donahue are being held in Western Australia and Queensland following the police killing of the 27-year-old man from Mareeba, east of Cairns. Kerry Smith reports.

At least 41 migrants and refugees died in a fire in a migrant prison in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, near the United States border, reports Tamara Pearson.

The latest migrant drownings off the Tunisian coast have led to further scrutiny of Tunisia’s treatment of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, reports Peoples Dispatch.

British asylum bill

Britain’s Illegal Migration Bill is bankrupt, unprincipled and modelled on Australia’s cruel refugee policy, writes Binoy Kampmark.

A packed meeting in the heart of the PM's electorate has called on Labor to not repeat the mistake of the Iraq war by joining the United States-led war drive against China. Peter Boyle reports.

Peoples History of Tennis

Writer, journalist, filmmaker and tennis enthusiast David Berry reveals tennis’ secret radical history, writes Alex Salmon.

Green Left News Podcast Ep 4

Ben Radford and Isaac Nellist take you through the latest news from Australia and around the world.

Roger Waters

The final concert in Roger Waters's “This Is Not a Drill” tour across Europe has been cancelled, reports Vijay Prashad and Katie Halper.

Nimalakaran Sinnakkili called for permanent protection for the remaining refugees and asylum seekers living in the community or imprisoned in detention centres in Australia and Nauru.

Human Rights Law Centre managing lawyer Sanmati Verma told a forum that the Fast Track process was “designed to see people fail”. Chris Slee reports.

Cairns for Refugees and Green Left organised an event that raised nearly $1300 for refugee rights advocacy. Jonathan Strauss reports.