
“Something that pretends to be a great change, but provides none, is not a step in the right direction”, argues the Blak Sovereign Movement.

MUDA-PSM launch

The Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) and the Malaysian United Democracy Alliance (MUDA) have agreed on an electoral pact for the upcoming state assembly elections on August 12, reports Peter Boyle.

Refugee rights activists outside treasurer Jim Chalmers' office

Refugee rights activists held a protest outside Jim Chalmers’ electoral office, calling on Labor to deliver better policy for refugees and asylum seekers. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Merri-bek City Councillors Sue Bolton and Monica Harte organised a community protest against the $368 billion AUKUS nuclear-powered submarines. Jacob Andrewartha reports.

Boat turn-backs. Offshore Detention. Refusal to settle groups of refugees in Australia. This triad is the 10-year-long contemporary White Australia policy of governments, Labor and Coalition. Jonathan Strauss argues for the need to step up the pressure.

In a case brought by Iranian Kurdish refugee Mostafa Azimitabar (“Moz”), Federal Court judge Bernard Murphy ruled that while hotel detention is inhumane, it is still legal. Chris Slee reports.


We need to get our land back, get every kid out of the prison system and end Black deaths in custody. Don’t you think I’d be saying “Yes” if this powerless body had a say in any of those things? Djab Wurrung Gunnai Gunditjmara Senator Lidia Thorpe explains her opposition to the Voice to Parliament.

Cruel government policies lead to suicides and other misery within detention centres

The death of a refugee at Villawood Detention Centre is the latest indictment of the bipartsian cruelty towards refugees in Australia. Pip Hinman reports.

Thousands took part in the annual NAIDOC march for land rights and justice for First Nations. Chris Peterson and Chloe DS reports

First Nations activists and supporters protested outsideTanya Plibersek’s office to urge her protect Binybara, near Garramilla/Darwin, from being destroyed by Defence Housing Australia. Jim McIlroy reports.

US Supreme Court

The United States Supreme Court curtailed LGBTQ rights and struck down debt relief for students on June 30, reports Barry Sheppard.

US Supreme Court

The United States Supreme Court upheld, on June 30, a century-old Mississippi law used during the “Jim Crow” segregationist era to deny Black people in the state the right to vote, reports Malik Miah.