Port of Brisbane

For the last five days Blockade Australia has been taking coordinated disruptive action across three major ports, to protest Australia’s lack of climate action. Kerry Smith reports.

The community assemblies at Port Botany in Sydney and Port of Brisbane continue to hold the line as the protracted process towards a settlement of the long-running dispute between Hutchison Ports and the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) continues. On November 6, the dispute over the controversial sacking of 97 Hutchison waterfront workers by text and email reached its 92nd day.
A resolution of the long-running dispute between the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) and Hutchison Ports is reported to be near, as the community assemblies continue at the terminals at Port Botany and the Port of Brisbane. A further hearing in Fair Work Australia is due in the week beginning September 21. The dispute began on August 6, with the midnight sacking by text and email of 97 waterside workers at the two ports. Following a Federal Court injunction, the sacked workers are back on the payroll, but are not being rostered on to work.
The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) and Hutchison Ports management agreed on August 28 to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU), which will result in all sacked workers at Port Botany and Port of Brisbane being reinstated for a further six weeks from August 31.

The battle continues at Hutchison Ports terminals in Sydney and Brisbane against the sacking of 97 waterside workers by the company on August 6. The campaign for reinstatement of the workers and for the defence of jobs on the waterfront refuses to die.