
emissions from power plant and inset image of Jason Hickel

Jason Hickel, progressive anthropologist and author, gave the following speech at the 50th Anniversary Congress on the New International Economic Order, held in Havana, Cuba from April 28 to May 1.

Ecosocialism 2024

The theme of Ecosocialism 2024 is “Climate action not war” for good reason. It takes place shortly after scientists warn of catastrophic global heating and it takes place amid new global arms race. Sam Wainwright urges you to book your ticket.

Rents must be frozen and the housing-price casino has to be shut down, starting with the tax rorts. Tax incentives should be available only for building new housing that adds to existing stock, argues Renfrey Clarke.

Polisario Front’s Australian representative Kamal Fadel has urged Fortescue not to undermine United Nations decolonisation efforts by making a deal with the occupation government in Western Sahara. Ron Guy reports.

In yet another public hand-out to fossil energy, NSW Labor has said the ageing Eraring coal-fired power station will stay open until 2027 to ensure a stable power supply. But there are other options, argue Zane Alcorn and Pip Hinman.

Most people are not buying the Labor government’s promise to address the severe cost-of-living crisis and they don’t think the Coalition would either. Peter Boyle reports.

Students protesting and Mazibuko Jara inset

With South Africa's May 29 general elections approaching, Green Left’s Federico Fuentes spoke to South African socialist Mazibuko Jara about the African National Congress’s (ANC) prospects of holding onto power after 30 years in office and how the radical left is likely to fare.

poverty line graph

Treasurer Jim Chalmers said Labor’s third budget will 'ease cost-of-living pressures', but it does not include any raise to JobSeeker or other payments. Isaac Nellist reports. 

Green Left News Podcast Ep 40, May 17, 2024

Green Left journalist Isaac Nellist discusses the latest news from across the continent and around the world.

protester with flare

Argentina's primary trade union federation held another nationwide general strike on May 9, the second called since far-right president Javier Milei took office in December and began pursuing sweeping austerity and deregulation, reports Jessica Corbett.

Labor’s 2024 budget, that supposedly addresses the cost-of-living crisis, leaves the poorest $220 a week under the poverty line. Peter Boyle reports on a Labor budget with no heart, guts or vision.

RAFFWU members at May Day in Brisbane

Retail and Fast Food Workers’ Union secretary Josh Cullinan spoke to Isaac Nellist about the Senate inquiry into supermarket prices.