Middle East

Sydney protest for Palestine

Protests for Palestine coincided with the beginning of Eid al-Adha on the weekend of June 15–16, reports Isaac Nellist.

Students, staff and Palestine supporters rallied outside the Australian National University’s chancellery to protest management’s expulsion of a student for supporting Palestine. Paul Oboohov reports.

Labor pretends to support a ceasefire on Gaza, but as Sue Bull argues, it has refused to take concrete steps to sanction Israel. It is therefore helping give Israel the political cover it needs to continue its now nearly nine-month genocide.

Paul Gregoire spoke to Cathy Peters, a former Greens councillor in Marrickville, who successfully moved a boycott, divestment and sanctions motion and who co-founded BDS Australia about prospects for the campaign against apartheid Israel.

Thousands rally in Gadigal Country/Sydney, June 9

Palestine solidarity actions over June 8-9 entered their ninth month, as Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Opposition leader Peter Dutton launched their attack on those calling for an end to the genocide. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Labor Senator Fatima Payman spoke out against genocide at the Friends of Palestine WA rally in Boorloo/Perth. Video by Wade McDonald.

Greg Barnes SC told Paul Gregoire that the 1000 or so Australians who have gone to fight with Israel should have been advised of possible ramifications upon their return. This is especially the case since the ICJ ruled that Israel is plausibly conducting genocide in Gaza.

Labor keeps repeating the lie that it is not sending weapons to Israel. Sam Wainwright, on behalf of Stop AUKUS WA, outlined how Australia is complicit in Israel's genocide in Gaza. Video by Alex Salmon.

The Australian National University has expelled a student for their pro-Palestine comments on ABC Radio. Kerry Smith reports.

The University of Sydney is undertaking an investigation on its sociology Professor Sujatha Fernandes for alleged breach of the code of conduct. Valerie Chidiac and Ariana Haghighi report.

NSW Greens Senator David Shoebridge has found out, via a FOI request, that as much as $600 million from the Australian Future Fund is going to weapons companies. Binoy Kampmark reports.


protesters and police

While Canada likes to style itself as a “peacekeeping nation”, it has become one of the world’s largest global arms dealers, reports Jeff Shantz. A substantial proportion of this bloody trade is done with Israel.