Richard Denniss

Susan Price reports that Labor is weighing up 116 new coal, oil and gas projects — the equivalent of starting up 215 new coal-fired power stations.

The new Safeguard Mechanism protects the fossil fuel industry and does nothing to save our climate from disaster according to Richard Denniss. Jim McIlroy reports.

A Rising Tide climate camp, from April 14-17, is set to launch a campaign to shut down the world’s biggest coal port by 2030. Niko Leka reports.

Raymond “Bubbly” Weatherall, who has been fighting the oil and gas giant for many years, says the fight for culture, land and water is far from over. Pip Hinman reports.

The growing scandals engulfing the Big Four banks, now being amplified through the financial services royal commission, have opened the way for a major discussion about alternatives to the corporate banking oligopoly in Australia.

Now, Greens leader Richard Di Natale has entered the fray with a proposal for a People’s Bank to offer low-cost mortgages for home-buyers and other facilities.

Tony Abbot’s recent suggestion that the army take control of gas resources in states that have banned or limited unconventional gas mining shows the lengths to which the recalcitrant fossil fools will go to defend dirty energy corporations, which are under increasing fire as the national debate over energy security continues.