Socialist Alliance

Melbourne rally for refugee rights. Photo: Jacob Andrewartha

Socialist Alliance has managed to remain a registered political party, able to run in the federal elections with its party name and logo. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Labour shortages give unions a stronger bargaining position. Sue Bull argues they need to argue against racist and nationalistic tropes that migrant workers steal Australians’ jobs, while defending workplace safety, wages and conditions.

The new exemptions to Public Health Orders, which can force sick workers to work, represent a serious attack on workers' rights and their health and safety. Sarah Hathway argues that workers and their unions need to draw a line.

The reason Scott Morrison stopped Novak Djokovic's entry visa to play in the Australian Open championships is because he needs a distraction from the ongoing disastrous handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, argues Sue Bolton.

Pat O’Shane, a Kuku Yalanji woman from Mossman, will run for the Socialist Alliance in the Far North Queensland seat of Leichhardt. Jonathan Strauss reports.

A public forum on the failure of the COP26 climate summit with John Molyneux and Sarah Hathway.

Lilly Murphy at a campaign stall.

Lilly Murphy was an incredible young person. Sue Bolton writes that in her short life had a big impact on the world and those around her. 

Socialist Alliance strongly supports vaccination as a public health measure. Vaccines should be free and easily available.

In response to the plan to rapidly phase out the disaster payment, the Australian Council of Social Service said the JobSeeker rate needs to be lifted to $80 a day. Arie Huybregts reports.

Socialist Alliance councillors Rob Pyne, Sam Wainwright and Sue Bolton

Australia’s already unrepresentative electoral system is about to become even less democratic, reports Alex Bainbridge.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme purports to support a better life for hundreds of thousands of people with disabilities, their families and carers. Graham Matthews, Steve Warren, Terry Townsend and Lisa Macdonald argue for a needs-driven scheme.

Inner West residents will finally have a say on forced council amalgamation in a non-binding referendum at the local government elections on September 4. Peter Boyle reports.