Ecosocialism 2024

There is compelling evidence that we need to shift away from a market-based economic system to a needs-based economy with people and nature at its centre, argues Susan Price.

Megan Krakouer at Ecosocialism 2024

Megan Krakouer, Menang woman of the Noongar Nation, said the rate of incarceration of First Nations people is “out of control” and suicides are rising at an alarming rate. Pip Hinman reports. 

podcast graphic

Isaac Nellist and Riley Breen discuss some of the highlights from Ecosocialism 2024.

This link provides a compilation of videos from the Ecosocialism 2024: Climate Action Not War conference, hosted by Green Left and co-sponsored by Socialist Alliance and LINKS International Journal of Socialist Renewal.

Participants and organisers alike were inspired by the Ecosocialism 2024: Climate Action Not War conference. Jacob Andrewartha reports on the gathering which was aimed at building a stronger anti-capitalist movement.

Isaac Nellist asked some attendees at the Ecosocialism 2024 conference about what they thought were its highlights. 

Ecosocialism 2024

The theme of Ecosocialism 2024 is “Climate action not war” for good reason. It takes place shortly after scientists warn of catastrophic global heating and it takes place amid new global arms race. Sam Wainwright urges you to book your ticket.

ecosocialism 2024 speakers

A delegation of three Singaporean activists will join guests from around the world at the Ecosocialism 2024 conference in Boorloo/Perth. Fred Fuentes reports. 

Mariana Riscali, a national executive member of the Socialist and Freedom Party, is confirmed to speak at Ecosocialism 2024. Fred Fuentes reports.

speakers for Ecosocialism 2024

First Nations leader Megan Krakouer and Indian communist Clifton D’Rozario have been confirmed to speak at the Ecosocialism 2024: Climate Action Not War being held in Boorloo/Perth over June 28–30. Fred Fuentes reports.

Veronica Koman, Jess Spear, Khaled Ghannam and Rebecca Meckelburg.

The full conference agenda for Ecosocialism 2024 has been released, with an exciting list of new speakers and panels. Fred Fuentes reports.

Mural in Belfast

South Africans are deeply disturbed by the character assassination and threats levelled against Leila Khaled, an icon of anti-colonial struggle, writes South African human rights activist, Salim Vally.