Australian Labor Party (ALP)

The latest Green Left Show features Ben Pennings and Sam Wainwright on the government's climate bill and 43% emissions reduction target.

Backed by big business, mining companies and billionaires, Labor and the Coalition spent millions of dollars on political advertising to win votes, according to a new report by The Australia Institute. Isaac Nellist reports.

Activists called on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to “get on the phone” to the United States and British leaders to free Julian Assange. Jim McIlroy reports.

Asked recently how he would act on his promise to help Julian Assange, Anthony Albanese implied he was working to bring the matter to a close. Binoy Kampmark wonders if he will.

Refugee rights activists discussed the Labor government’s contradictory refugee policy at a recent forum. Chris Slee reports.

No one predicted Labor candidate Kristina Keneally could lose the Western Sydney seat of Fowler. Federico Fuentes looks behind the crumbling of Labor’s ‘red wall’. 

The defeat of the right-wing Scott Morrison government indicates people want change and that there is a strong mood to act on the climate crisis and inequality, argue Sarah Hathway, Jacob Andrewartha and Sam Wainwright.

Boat turn-backs don’t save lives at sea. The real meaning of this barbaric practice has always been “Fuck off and die somewhere else”, argues Sam Wainwright.

Tucked away at the end of Labor’s Secure Australian Jobs Plan for this election is a promise to abolish the ABCC. Workers will need to hold Labor to account if elected, argues Sue Bull.


Government action and worker solidarity are key to overcoming the scourge of insecure work and ensuring pay rises keep pace with inflation and productivity improvements, argues Graham Matthews.

Beware those who tell you federal Labor's small target strategy is just a tactic. Alex Bainbridge argues we can kick Morrison out and reject Labor's narrow vision that agrees with key planks of Coalition's policy.

Rachel Evans and Alex Bainbridge argue Labor's claim that its tactics defeated the Religious Discrimination Bill do not stack up.