
Suzanne Weiss, a Jewish Holocaust survivor, socialist activist and author, condemned Israel for turning Gaza into a “death camp”.

South Korea China US

Youngsu Won is a socialist and coordinator of the International Forum in South Korea. Speaking to Green Left’s Federico Fuentes, he discusses how rising tensions between the United States and China impact South Korean politics.

Paris protest for Palestine Nov 11

A mass demonstration in Paris on November 12 purported to oppose rising antisemitism, but was, in fact, aimed at crippling the pro Palestine movement. John Mullen explains.

anti-NEP protest Delhi

Students’ access to university education in India is threatened by the Narendra Modi regime’s National Education Policy (NEP), which was introduced in 2020, reports Isaac Nellist.


As the Israeli bombardment of Gaza has extended more than a month, Palestine solidarity movements in Canada have shifted in tone and focus, reports Jeff Shantz.


More than 300,000 people demonstrated against Israel’s genocidal onslaught against Gaza in the United States capital, Washington DC, and thousands more took action across the country, on November 4, reports Barry Sheppard.

Canada blood on its hands

Palestinians and pro-Palestinian solidarity supporters in Canada are increasingly concerned about growing police repression in the form of surveillance, and — increasingly — arrests of organisers and activists, reports Jeff Shantz.

Thirty-three years on from the Santa Cruz massacre, the trauma of Indonesia's occupation of Timor-Leste remains, reports Leo Earle.

Malalai Joya

Afghan activist and author Malalai Joya discusses the shape of resistance against the Taliban today, with Green Left’s Dick Nichols.

UAW picket

The United Auto Workers (UAW) have made big gains in their industrial campaign against the big car manufacturers in the United States, which will ripple through the US labour movement, reports Malik Miah.

YPJ drives ISIS out of Kobani

Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) Women’s Assemblies Speaker Halide Türkoğlu said in Turkey on November 1, World Kobanê Day: 'No power, no tank, no weapon is strong enough' to tear down Rojava's revolution.

Karl Marx Hof in Vienna

While the Australian government looks for market solutions to the housing crisis, Austria's capital, Vienna, maintains a vast system of public and cooperative housing, which today accounts for more than 50% of the city’s housing stock, writes John Tully.