
Former Builders Labourer's Federation leader Jack Mundey, who pioneered the green ban, was given a rousing state send off at Sydney Town Hall. Rachel Evans reports.

Extinction Rebellion organised a series of civil disobedience actions in Perth, calling for urgent action to stop climate change. Alex Salmon reports.

Green Left 30th anniversary event March 27 2021

Green Left is turning 30! Have a read of the many messages of support we have received from around the world.

Independent Iraqi journalist Abeer Hasan Al Ani told a gathering to mark the invasion of Iraq that the promises of freedom, democracy and prosperity the Iraqis longed for have never come true. Peter Boyle reports.

The Kurdish community in Australia held a Newroz (Kurdish New Year) celebration in NSW Parliament House, Peter Boyle reports.

Glebe public housing resident Emily Bullock is adamant that, while her home could do with some repairs, it must not be allowed to be bulldozed by the state government, reports Rachel Evans.

Anti-Adani protesters are keeping up the pressure on insurance company Ark insurance, writes Coral Wynter.

Anti-toll road activists are stepping up their protests against the North East Link. Isaac Nellist reports.

Extinction Rebellion organised a protest for koalas at the offices of Lendlease in Barangaroo on March 17. Isaac Nellist reports.

Sydney protest over wellbeing of Ocalan

Members of the Kurdish community and supporters joined global protests over concerns about the wellbeing of imprisoned Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, reports Peter Boyle.

Chris Slee reports on a rally in solidarity with a refugee activist charged with incitement. 

Unemployed and welfare groups are calling on the government not to cut income support at the end of March. Peter Boyle reports.