Green Left is celebrating 30 years of people-powered media on February 18. We would like to encourage you to join us at our anniversary event on March 27 with Kavita Krishnan. (Please book now!) Below are some of the messages of support we've received. Please share your own message of support on social media with the hashtag #GreenLeft30. And, if you like our work, become a supporter!
Video: Green Left 30th anniversary celebration with Kavita Krishnan. Main event begins at the 27:00 minute mark. Green Left.
Watch a playlist of #GreenLeft30 messages
Adela Brent, Brisbane Reclaim the Night Collective: "We are delighted to send a solidarity message to the Green Left. 30 years! Congratulations! A socialist newspaper is an important means of communication, especially in a capitalist country where the press is monopolized by the rich. Newspapers must tell the truth and be at the service of the people. This is what Green Left has done these 30 years. As women, living in a sexist society, we are aware that sometimes left groups do not take women’s issues into account or they reduce them to economics (economic reductionism). Women’s issues are seen as not that important or something that can wait or problems that can only be resolved by women. It is true that as working class women we need to be part of the movement for change. Poor women are also exploited as a class. On the other hand, women are oppressed because of their sex. Violence against women is a reality we cannot deny (1 in 5 women have experienced sexual violence in our society and rape continues to be a threat for all of us). The Green Left has constantly raised awareness around both issues, economics and other issues such as violence against women. As a collective, the Green Left has supported us informing the community about the Reclaim the Night rally and march and publishing our community flyers. We wish you the best and hope that the newspaper will continue to do the good work it has done so far. In solidarity We will win!"
Aleksandr Wansbrough, writer and academic: "Happy 30th Birthday Green Left. My all time favourite Australian newspaper and magazine, delivering the best of leftist content. I am grateful to have been published in such a fantastic paper."
Alex Bainbridge, Socialist Alliance national co-convenor: "I want an ecosocialist future. That's why I'm supporting #GreenLeft30 (and I hope you will too)."
Alex Miller, writer and socialist: "Warm congratulations to Green Left on reaching its 30th birthday! I’ve been reading GL every week since 2003 and always find it an invaluable source of news: columns by regular writers on the United States, South America, Asia and Spain are unrivalled, as is the coverage of progressive issues across the length and breadth of Australia. The environmental, economic and health-related crises currently afflicting contemporary capitalism will only get more extreme as the 21st century unfolds: if humanity is to survive and flourish news outlets with GL’s non-sectarian, campaigning focus are a necessity."
Alison Xamon, Greens member for North Metro Region (WA upper house): "In a media landscape dominated by corporate interests it is quite the achievement for a left wing newspaper to still be ongoing and thriving. Congratulations on 3 decades as Green Left. The voices available to challenge big business vested interests has never been more critical."

Annette Herrera, union activist: "Congratulations to Green Left for reaching 30 years in publication and for being unapologetically worker, climate and democracy centred. Green Left is where I always turn to for critical, activist-informed news about social and union movements from below in Australia and internationally."
Angeline Shannan, migrant rights activist in Malaysia: "Congratulations Green Left on your 30th anniversary! Thirty years, still standing. A feat of endurance, that shows strength, persistence, patience and maturity. Raising awareness of issues that matter to the human mind, body and soul, in your struggle for justice and equality. Your struggle is vital at this crucial time of change. The world needs you. Wishing you all blessings as your journey continues."
Ari Pitipana, Frontline Socialist Party: "Hope Green Left continues to inform, educate and brave to be militant on behalf of its readers for another 100 years or until the battle is won to enjoy economic and social equality and environmental justice to humanity. Thank you, Green Left! "
Ariel Saleh, ecofeminist writer: "For updates on people’s struggles for ecology and justice, local and global, nothing beats Green Left. I’ve read the paper for decades now, and it just keeps getting better and better! If you save the copies, as I do, they make a fantastic historical archive too."
Arthur Rorris, Secretary South Coast Labour Council: "Congratulations to Green Left in achieving this major milestone and for your continuous support for working class movements here and abroad and for your significant contribution to discussion, analysis and action in the class struggle."
Arul (S. Arutchelvan), Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) deputy chair: "Congratulations to Green Left! It is not easy to maintain a newspaper for 30 years. Green Left gives quality reporting. If we want to get a good analysis, especially of political developments in Latin America and around the world, we in Malaysia look to Green Left. We have taken many ideas – such as the centrefold placards – for our own newspaper. In these critical times, Green Left has been playing a beautiful role. Please continue, stay firm, we have a world to win!"
Barney Gardner, Save Millers Point, retired Maritime Union of Australia member: "I’d like to wish Green Left a happy 30th birthday. What a milestone! 30 years of reporting social justice issues. It should be celebrated in style because it is second to none in reporting and acting on social issues within our communities and our workplaces."
Barry Sheppard, US socialist, Green Left columnist: "Thirty years of Green Left Weekly! Quite an accomplishment. Many have praised your coverage of Australian and international politics, but I want to single out one thing: Your coverage of the indigenous peoples of Australia and their struggle against oppression. This dovetails with the centuries-long struggle of Native Americans, Blacks and other peoples of color in the United States. I am proud to be a supporter and writer for GL."
Ben Pennings, Bob Brown Foundation 2020 Environmentalist Of The Year: "Green Left has been a mainstay in tumultuous times, speaking truth to power and promoting a vision for social and ecological justice. I'll always appreciate GL serving and covering the grassroots Stop Adani movement through thick and thin. Speaking up for and working with marginalised communities is tough going and 30 years is an extraordinary achievement. Massive congratulations to everyone involved in such a storied history."
Brendan Doyle, Refugee Group, Blue Mountains activist: "Congratulations to all at Green Left for keeping the fire of resistance burning, and encouraging the working class and indigenous peoples to demand their rights, which are human rights."
Brett Collins, coordinator Justice Action: "Congratulations and thanks to Green Left for its stalwart effort over 30 years! Green Left links activists together combining their strength and inspiring them to do more and better all the time. We feel deeply grateful for the work and feel sure it will extend and expand its impact into the future. Well done!"
Bronwen Beechey, for the editorial board of Fightback (Aotearoa New Zealand): "Congratulations to Green Left on 30 years of information and activism. In a society dominated by corporate mass media and hostility toward any opinion that challenges the dominant narrative, survival for 30 years is a terrific achievement. For activists in Aotearoa New Zealand, Green Left regularly covers issues that we have in common with Australia - indigenous rights, the environment, housing, workers' rights - and reminds us in our small, isolated country that we are not alone in fighting back against capitalism. There is a Māori whakatauki or proverb: "Ehara tāku toi i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takatini" - "My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective". As someone who was personally involved with Green Left in previous years, this whakatauki comes to mind, as Green Left has always been a collective effort and that is what has given it the strength to continue. Kia kaha!"
Cam Walker, Friends of the Earth campaigns coordinator: "With the continued centralisation of ownership of mainstream media and right-wing agendas being pushed through much of the mainstream, people powered media like GL has never been more important."
Channa Wikremesekerara, human rights activist: "My warmest greetings to Green Left on its 30th birthday. I have been reading the paper since arriving in Australia as a uni student in the early 1990s and have always considered it to be a source of education and inspiration. It is one of the few avenues available to Australians for obtaining news and opinions that is not controlled by big business. Always on the side of the oppressed and the marginalised, it serves a vital role in the democratisation of the media. Its resilience has been amazing."
Christy Cain, Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union national secretary: "We wish the Green Left, every success going forward! It’s an excellent paper, and one that should be read from all working class people . I congratulate you all, in your 30 year milestone! Well done Green Left!"

Chris Cherry, Socialist Alliance member in Geelong: "I’ve been selling Green Left for at least 23 years. It gives you a chance to engage with general public and hone your political skills. Happy birthday Green Left and wishing our 30 more years of standing up for socialist principles."
Cigdem Aslan, Federation of Kurdish Democratic Society – Australia co-chair: "On behalf of the Federation of Kurdish Democratic Society – Australia, we are proud to be part of the celebration of 30 years of Green Left. Thank you GL for 30 years of support for ecosocialism, empowering women, defending democracy, human rights and refugee rights and also covering the Kurdish liberation struggle, without any corporate sponsors and making its articles available without any paywalls. I also want to thank those wonderful and strong-minded people behind this project who make it possible for the community. We share and support your values. Let’s celebrate 30 years of GL, freedom and peace. Jin, Jiyan, Azadi! Woman, Life, Freedom!"
Dale McKinley, educator, researcher and political activist (South Africa): "Green Left has always been ahead of its time on many fronts - for the past 30 years and hopefully, for the next 30 years as well. The voices surfaced, the debates engaged and the struggles told have given energy, catalysed action and provided hope for both practical and systemic change. Onward, and always to the left!"
Daniel Lopez, contributing editor Jacobin: "Congratulations and greetings to Green Left on the anniversary of 30 years of production. I remember when I first got involved in activist politics in the early 2000s when I got involved in some of the anti-Iraq War demonstrations, Green Left was one of the most prominent publications and certainly the first socialist publication I came across. Since then it is absolutely to GL’s credit that the publication has maintained a high standard in terms of writing and design values and in terms of bringing forward a whole array of contributions from across Australia and, most importantly, internationally. So well done, comrades, and here’s to another 30 years of GL."
Dave Ball, Maritime Union of Australia Victoria deputy branch secretary: "Green Left is the only paper I know that I need to read. When mainstream media reports a story I turn to Green Left to get a clear interpretation of the events. The people behind the stories are real people who have a genuine interest in humanity for all the right reasons."
Dave Holmes, publisher of Resistance Books and Socialist Alliance member: "Right from the start, the name has always resonated strongly with me. Green and Left — that is the future we are struggling for and Green Left does a wonderful job of presenting socialism in the most compelling way, combining all the various social and ecological concerns. Congratulations on an amazing 30 years!"
David Shoebridge, Greens NSW MLC: "Happy Birthday to Green Left! 30 years of providing independent journalism and I’ve got to say it is more important than ever that we have independent sources of journalism as more and more of our media is concentrated in the hands of a few billionaires, multinational corporations who massage the media for their interests and for the interests of those other ‘mates’ in the corporate world. I’ve got to say it is critical that we have the sort of independent media such as Green Left. Let’s hope you are still standing strong 30 years from now."
David Spratt, climate author/researcher: "With the mainstream media imploding and social media algorithms prioritising fake news, strong, independent progressive journalism is more important than ever."
Derek Wall, former Green Party of England and Wales international coordinator: "Happy 30th birthday! Green Left has been essential reading for ecosocialists and all of us seeking a democratic, diverse and ecological future. Thank you for all your wonderful work."
Dick Nichols, Green Left European correspondent: "Thirty years have passed, but I still remember the intense discussions about what to call the new radical paper the Democratic Socialist Party took the lead in initiating—right when Francis Fukuyama was announcing that history had ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the implosion of the Soviet Union… After much canvassing of “imaginative” mastheads that did not really convince, someone said: “Look, what will it be, basically? It will be green, it will be left and it will be weekly.” That matter-of-fact remark produced the masthead of what has become the longest-lasting red-and-green paper in the English-speaking world. It has survived and flourished for two basic reasons: its coverage of all popular struggles in the perspective of the most critical struggle of all—that for human survival—and the skills and unrelenting dedication of its workers, never to be underestimated. How many struggles for people’s rights and for a decent future would go unreported were it not for Green Left? The abuse the paper regularly receives from eminent nobodies in the Australian media and politics is proof that it keeps hitting the mark, and a badge to be worn with pride. May Green Left live another thirty years, and those on a planet its stubborn effort helps save from environmental cataclysm."
Dominggus Oktavianus, People’s Democratic Party (Indonesia) general secretary: "Green Left has succeeded in building a progressive and environmentally sound perspective of alternative political media to match the old established forces who control the big narratives, both on a national and international scale. For more than 20 years we have obtained a wealth of information, analysis and knowledge from GL. We would like to Congratulate you on the 30th anniversary of the publication of Green Left, especially to all the comrades who have done many things to keep it shining."
Elena Garcia, communicator, recycler, and regenerative land manager: "Congrats to Green Left for 30 years of speaking up against the corporate bullies and their political mouthpieces! Your role in allowing information sharing to the left and green movements is crucial to informing and educating people on rural issues of vital importance to reversing climate change and protecting our soil and water and all the lifeforms they sustain. Here's to the next thirty years of your vital role in building a broad and accountable political alternative to the present corporate-funded major parties!"
Emily Valentine Bullock, artist: "Happy Birthday Green Left! Thanks for keeping us informed and supporting many issues only you have the strength to cover!"
Emma Kerin, union activist: "Congratulations on 30 years Green Left! A paper for the people telling working class stories and searching for truth. A paper that has been around for as long as my generation can remember. Here’s to another 30 years!"
Eulalia Reyes Whitney, Australia Venezuela Solidarity Network Brisbane coordinator: "Congratulations to Green Left's 30 year milestone in challenging the status quo and the corporate media; not only in Australia but anywhere in the world where inequality, dispossession and oppression by the ruling class are the everyday act. It has been a school of political, social, environmental, and solidarity consciousness that has endured the test of times. And only grows stronger and radical. I am honoured and humble in my association with such a people's powered media project."
Ezekiel Ox, singer-songwriter, film maker, actor and political activist: "A huge happy 30th birthday to Green Left. Here’s to 30 more. Thank you for reporting on all the progressive stuff, the activism and the progressive movements around the world. And we’ll see you for your 60th birthday."
Faith Black, Indigenous Social Justice Association activist: "I'd like to wish you congratulations for all your amazing work. I love reading the newspaper. Here you are, at the stall in Newtown, doing what you are really good at — reaching out to people and fighting for causes of everyone."
Farooq Sulehria, socialist activist & author of Media Imperialism in India and Pakistan: "For over two decades, I have been a regular Green Left reader and an occasional contributor. Hence, GL turning 30 feels like a very personal achievement. GL is a lesson in revolutionary journalism for socialists across the globe. In Pakistan, particularly, we as socialists are indebted to GL because GL has consistently covered our struggles and expressed solidarity. Thank you GL!"
Francis Peters-Little, historian & filmmaker: "Congratulations comrades on 30 years of intelligent and highly informative journalism. I am proud to have been a reader and subscriber for Green Left. I wish to thank you for your commitment and tenacity for bringing us revolutionary and non-conformist news on issues that are vital to me as an Aboriginal woman in Australia. More power to you!"
Frederika Steen AM, former Immigration Officer, Brisbane refugee advocate since Tampa, 2001: "“Thank you for maintaining your rage about universal human rights abuse, whatever form it takes. Your voice for refugee rights has been a blow torch on mandatory indefinite detention of innocent men women and children, a wake up call about racism, discrimination and state sponsored torture. Thank you for thirty years of robust reporting. Long may you live.”

Gauri Gandbhir & Dirk Kelly: "As humans with familiar interests across the world, we are all deeply connected in our self determination to seek out dignity, care and decency in life, in spite of the violence of capitalism that is imposed upon us daily. Green Left is our daily source for news of the ecosocialist movement that is needed to create a better society for us all. We hope to see Green Left continue to push against the capitalist media narrative. Green Left is astutely aware of the cost of imperialism and capitalism on the well-being of all life on Earth, and their profound impact on our ability to take action against our assured destruction under the exploitation of capital."
Gideon Polya, scientist, writer and artist: "Congratulations Green Left for 30 years of forthright, science-informed, humane and truth-telling journalism for eco-socialism, Humanity and the environment – a powerful antidote to the lying by commission and lying by omission of the humanity-betraying, neoliberal mainstream."
Graham Matthews: "Green Left has always been more than a progressive newspaper. Over 30 years it’s been a resource in the struggle for a better world. Dare to struggle, Dare to win! If you don’t fight, you lose! Read, write, subscribe and support."
Grant Brookes, trade unionist (Aotearoa/New Zealand): "Kia ora Green Left from across the ditch. Some may not realise just how important Green Left is beyond Australia. But as a trade unionist and an activist based in Aotearoa/NZ, Green Left has inspired me to keep up the struggle for a better world for over 20 years. You have done it by bringing stories of the struggles for democracy, for ecological and social justice from all around our Asia-Pacific region — stories that the corporate media neglect or distort. More than that, Green Left shows that our struggle are connected and how we can work together in common cause across the divisions that capitalism seeks to create. Green Left is more than a news outlet. It is backed by people who put their ecosocialist ideas into practice. Living in Melbourne in 2012, it was my great privilege to work with some of you as you sought to give voters a real alternative at the ballot box and help organise collective actions for change. Happy Birthday Green Left! Hari huritau. Rā whānau koa! May you go from strength to strength for as long as resistance to this rotten system is needed."
Gule Rose, NSW Democratic Kurdish Community Centre co-chair: "On behalf of NSW Democratic Kurdish society, we would like to congratulate Green Left and the comrades on their great work, especially their support of the Kurdish struggle and the Kurdish female fighters. We wish you happy 30th and many more years working together for justice, peace and women’s rights. Biji Green Left! Peace!"
Hall Greenland, founding member NSW Greens: "Green Left was born at a major historical hinge point – knowledge of how capitalism was cooking and laying waste the planet was slowly dawning, imperialism was devastating the Middle East and the Balkans, the bureaucratic ‘socialist’ states were collapsing, neoliberalism was fast becoming the new global secular religion, unions were in steep decline and social-democratic parties had seemingly abandoned any interest in genuine reforms … It was the worst of times and a time for re-evaluation and regrouping. Green Left took up the challenges and has not faltered. Each week, the global forces reassembling for the fight for a beautiful and liveable planet and the society of the free and equal get reported and discussed in its columns. Born when the problems and defeats were accumulating, it has always been a source of hope. Thank you to all who sail with her. Indispensable. Now for the next 30."
Hans Baer, ecosocialist writer: "I view Green Left as the best and most radical newspaper in Australia. Its editors and contributors over the years have done a spectacular job in presenting a succinct ecosocialist perspective on both Australian and international affairs. As a result of their efforts, GL has also proven to be a reliable source of critical analysis for people around the world."
Howard Bynes, Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union delegate: "I'd like to wish GL a happy 30th for 30 years of true media, giving the people who really want the truth what they need. I can't think of any other media outlet that just tells it how it is the way Green Left does."
Ian Angus, Climate & Capitalism editor: "Green Left is 30-years-old, that’s amazing! Three decades of providing the essential news and analysis. The left in Australia and around the world needs to continue its fight against this destructive social order. Thanks for everything you do and please keep on doing it."
Ian Ellis-Jones, retired lawyer, academic and writer: "Happy 30th Birthday Green Left, my favourite Australian newspaper. In an era when truth in reporting and journalism is hard to find, it is most gratifying to have a newspaper which embodies a progressive approach to the great issues of our time such as climate change and the inherent weaknesses and contradictions of our present economic system. Green Left is second to none. I look forward to decades more of this wonderful newspaper."
Isaac Nellist: "I want to wish Green Left a happy 30th birthday. You've been a voice against the corporate media, for climate action and for the 99% for longer than I've been alive. That's great! I want to congratulate all the writers, and people who have worked with GL over the years. What a great achievement. Well done and congrats!"
Ismet Taştan, Federation of Democratic Kurdish Society-Australia co-chair: "On behalf of the Federation of Democratic Kurdish Society - Australia, congratulations to Green Left for 30 years of speaking out for freedom and justice. Green Left has been a good friend of the Kurdish people and one of the strongest supporters of the Rojava Revolution in Australia. Thank you for your solidarity and we look forward to working together to build a better world."
Jackie Kriz, nurse, trade unionist and socialist: "People often ask me, ‘Where did you hear that from?’ and I say, ‘I read first in Green Left.’ And they are nearly always impressed. Happy 30th anniversary!"
James Vassilopoulos, National Tertiary Education Union member and activist: "With the ABC neutered and The Age owned by Channel 9, who have organised fundraisers for the Coalition, GL is more important than ever. GL is the voice of the oppressed and exploited, here and around the world. These views are key in solving the problems of economic inequality, racism and global warming."
Jamie Parker, Greens NSW MP for Balmain: "For 30 years Green Left has been there, day in day out, reporting the stories that the corporate, Murdoch, media simply don’t publish and standing up for social justice, human rights, defending nature and speaking up on progressive issue in Australia and around the world. Congratulations to Green Left and consider doing what I do and subscribe to Green Left. It’s great to get that perspective every week. Thank you to everyone involved in this publication and who have supported it for so many years. We look forward to decades more of this fantastic publication."
Jeff Sparrow, writer: "Congratulations to Green Left on reaching this significant milestone. Australia desperately needs more socialist publications and GL’s longevity sets an example for others to emulate!"
Jenny Fitzgibbon, Extinction Rebellion activist: "When I'm finished with my Green Left, I'll open it to my favourite article that week and then I turn it inside out, and I ask people if they'd like to have a Green Left. And quite often they go "oh, ok, what's a Green Left?" and I just tell them about it. But I really appreciate it that it comes in the mail every week for me even though I don't get to read all of it because there is so much to do as well as read. But I think the support they give to activist organisations like Extinction Rebellion and other things is totally fantastic. Keep it up guys. Happy 30th!"
Jenny Leong, Greens NSW MLC for Newtown (NSW): "Congratulations to Green Left on 30 years of brave journalism. In a media landscape like the one we have in Australia, it takes courage to stand up against and call out corruption, vested interests, discrimination and oppression. To do that consistently for 30 years is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Thank you Green Left for your radical politics and pushing for a better world for us all."
Jepke Goudsmit, Kinetic Energy Theatre Company co-director: "As a long-time subscriber to the GL, I am shouting a huge and heartfelt Hoorah to the amazing team at the helm and everyone behind the scenes! Congratulations to all editors, writers, researchers, columnists, foreign correspondents, analysts, designers, fundraisers, wrappers and sellers for your mega-achievement. In a time when papers are biting the dust and investigative journalism is under serious threat, I have seen GL persevere in its calling, adjust to adversity, and take bold decisions such as providing news both in hard copy and online. Over the years I have seen an expansion of political, social and cultural issues covered. The paper’s perspective became increasingly international, joining the dots around the globe, exposing the ails of capitalism and neoliberalism and their vile offspring by reporting on progressive initiatives and action. By following activist movements in our country and around the world, often through eyewitnesses and independent journalists, GL confirms the strength and hope we can draw from each other, as we stand in solidarity on the threshold of unprecedented change. The realities of climate change and economic chaos are a little easier to face when you know there are many other people of all backgrounds and expertise working on solutions and antidotes to the rot. For example GL’s in-depth coverage of developments in South America since Chavez, and of the Arab Spring and the Occupy movement, not to mention Feminist issues and Black Lives Matter, have been outstanding. GL’s articles on all of these were of great service to those of us eager to understand and be informed, and to connect with the pulse of positive change and the struggle for equality. While the fight for justice for the most famous journalist in the world, Julian Assange, is in its second decade, and while journalists and eco-activists are jailed or even killed for exposing the truth, it is of immense importance that GL continues its task of factual reporting and independent analysis. The paper is non-elitist, accessible, a platform for progressive communication. And it goes where most mainstream media don’t dare or are prevented to go. For my theatre work, as a maker of gritty plays that tackle social justice issues, GL has been a great resource, too, with its many articles telling the human story of suffering and liberation, and its many references to books, facts and information useful to my theatre company’s cause. And I have found the paper always happy to include my contributions: a poem here and an article there by my hand have been sprinkled on its pages ever since we found a common aim. And so I proclaim my deep thanks to GL for such a long and productive haul, and wish all those behind this Wonderfully Resilient Paper For The People a most Happy Anniversary and many more years to come! Viva GL!"
Jeyakumar Devaraj, Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) chairperson and former MP: "It is now 30 years since Francis Fukuyama celebrated the "end of history" claiming that neoliberal capitalism was the best possible system for humankind. The events of the past 30 years have shown how erroneous that perception was. It is now becoming clear to more and more people that the crises that the world faces - climate change, extreme inequality, food insecurity, erosion of democracy by corporate interests - cannot be solved within the framework of neoliberal capitalism. The world is reaching an important inflection point and people are looking for clear analyses and good ideas to move forward to reclaim the world for the 99%. For these 30 years, Green Left has been providing the alternative analyses that the world so desperately needed, keeping the light of hope alive through the long eclipse of the Left. GL has an important role to play in the next 30 years to consolidate an international people's movement that can reorient and restructure the global economy so that it stops destroying the environment but instead focuses on serving the majority."
Jim McIlroy, Green Left founding member and activist journalist: "Congratulations. What a fantastic achievement. 30 years! I remember being there at the start. I think it was our great friend Dick Nichols who pointed out that it was a name that absolutely met the political need of the time -- and even more so now. If we look at the whole concept of Green Left and what it is trying to achieve: it is not just a newspaper or even an online journal now -- it is actually building a movement, an organisation -- that is what we need. I love it: I love writing for it; I love distributing it. This is my life! Green Left is a symbol of the future and it is a symbol of the present. This is what we have to do: I call on everyone who does not yet have a subscription; get one and become a supporter of GL; you won't regret it. You will not regret it. It will give you a whole new outlook on life. It will give you tremendous information about what's happening on all the fronts — environment; the social justice movements. So let's get together; support GL and build the new ecosocialist organisation which will be necessary if we are going to save the planet."
Jock Palfreeman: "Happy Birthday Green Left! Reading and following Green Left will help you detox from the corporate media propaganda. The corporate media is an insult to intelligence, full of pop brainwashing to distract people from the real issues, which is what GL is all about. Thank you GL for 30 years of battling!"
Joe Collins, Australia West Papua Association (Sydney): "Congratulations to Green Left on its 30th anniversary. It has been informative and consistent in its reporting of the West Papuan issue over the years and importantly on covering rallies when most of the mainstream media did not. May it continue another 30 years."
John Bellamy Foster, editor, Monthly Review: "In its first thirty years, Green Left has been a beacon of the world ecosocialist movement. It has helped to define a new global ecological politics in which the struggle for a liveable planet is seen as intersecting with the struggles to overcome the dire oppressions of race, class, gender, and imperialism imposed daily by the closing circle of the capitalist system. In its next thirty years, the Green Left seems destined to play an even more crucial role in lighting the way for the necessary world ecological revolution that will decide the future of humanity...But to do so, and do so effectively, it will need your strong and continuing support."
John Green, author and filmmaker: "Green Left has been and is a vital means of communication for all those interested in protecting the environment and in left-wing ideas to address vital social and existential issues. It provides a forum for debate that is refreshing, stimulating and vital in an era when the media is dominated by a few powerful individuals who largely determine the parameters of discourse. I send my best wishes to the magazine and to everyone involved in its production. May it go on to celebrate many more anniversaries!"
John Molyneux, Global Ecosocialist Network coordinator: "Congratulations on 30 years of campaigning for ecosocialism and for a sustainable future for humanity and the planet in a country which, from the bush fires to the barrier reef, is on the front line of the struggle against capitalist ecocide."
John Pilger, journalist and filmmaker: "For 30 years, Green Left has reported the lives and politics, struggles and achievements of people who barely exist in the 'mainstream' of Australia's Murdochracy. This is true journalism."
Video: John Pilger: 'Green Left plays a vital role': Green Left
John Riddell, historian and socialist activist: "Here in my Toronto outpost, Green Left is an invaluable resource in understanding liberation struggles around the world and, especially, the imperative of climate justice. Thanks to all GL supporters for building and maintaining this treasured socialist institution."
John Tully, writer, academic and Kurdish solidarity activist: "The world desperately needs ecosocialist solutions to the multiple crises we face. Those crises include the climate crisis, numerous intractable wars around the planet and more poverty than we have seen for a long, long time, despite a world with riches that could be used for the benefit of humanity. Green Left has been an uncompromising voice for solutions to those problems. As we know the current state of Australian media is absolutely dismal. Most of the print and electronic media is owned by the detestable Rupert Murdoch and others like him and, not without reason, former Labor PM Kevin Rudd called Murdoch’s News Corp ‘a cancer on democracy’. It has been relentlessly right-wing and that agenda that they pushed in recent times has merged with the conspiracy theories peddled by the far right. I don’t think that there is any barrier now between the far right and the so-called respectable right. Murdoch has given platforms to racists such as Laura Southern and even sympathetically interviewed open Nazis, denied climate change, demonised asylum seekers and, more recently, even begun to undermine what is necessary to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. So now, more than ever, we need alternative voices and for 30 years Green Left has been such a voice standing up for the 99% against the 1% of rich and mega-rich who run the planet for their own benefit and in the process destroy the planet. It has stood up for combatting the lies and half-truths peddled by the climate change deniers and has been fighting for real change. So I would urge people to support the work of Green Left. I think it is crucial to the fight for a better world."
Josh Cullinan, Retail and Fast Food Workers Union Secretary: "Over the past thirty years Green Left has been a stand out voice countering the narrative of mainstream media. The essential, critical and radical role of telling the stories of the working class for the working class is immensely important and Green Left provides an outstanding example to other independent media."
Juvinal Dias, Spokesperson for Movement Against the Occupation of the Timor Sea: "On behalf of the Movement Against the Occupation of the Timor Sea (MKOTT), I would like to congratulate Green Left, a, leftist media movement that voices international solidarity, on the 30th anniversary of its founding day. While voicing the rights of the Maubere people to sovereignty over the maritime boundary in the Timor Sea, Green Left was very active in supporting MKOTT in its campaigns and publications which ultimately led to Australia's recognition of the rights of the Timorese people. For thirty years Green Left has stood for freedom and socialism. May its struggle for equality and freedom for humanity continue! A Luta Continua! Viva Green Left!"
Juana Martinez, Nicaraguan activist: "I was an active participant in the Nicaraguan Revolution and I have been living in Australian for the last 28 years and was one of the coordinators of the Committees In Solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean (CISLAC). I have all been a supporter of Green Left since then. Today I would like to propose a toast to Green Left for its 30th anniversary and for its ongoing support and solidarity by covering all the atrocities and inequalities in our country."
Juice Media: "Happy 30th Anniversary, Green Left! Thank you for leading the way when it comes to fearless, adversarial, honest journalism in Australia -- you've informed and inspired many."

Julian Coppens, Green Left correspondent in Spain. 30 years of Green Left! A remarkable achievement. 30 years of hope in action for a better world, a desperately needed world; a world built by and for us, of peace, justice and equality.
For 30 years GL has been a democratic voice for all those struggling to make Australia and the world a better place. A voice that exists thanks to the efforts of hundreds who write, read and subscribe, who dedicate their time to fundraising dinners and stalls.
They all make sure that tens of thousands can turn to Green Left every week to find out what’s really going on.
Congratulations! And thank you.
Kanyanatt Kalfagiannis, Australian Alliance for Thai Democracy: "Congratulations to Green Left upon reaching the 30th year milestone of intrepid journalism amid our chaotic world of corruption and injustice. Green Left has been the face of equality, equity, and empathy and the pillar of hope for all of us who are oppressed, violated and forgotten. Let's celebrate your success with another year of integrity and perseverance towards the brighter future of our society."
Karen Fletcher, feminist community lawyer: "Green Left is essential reading for all ordinary people in struggle for a better, fairer, more sustainable world. It keeps us informed, oriented and connected and always takes our side. 30 years is a huge achievement. Congratulations and thanks to all involved."
Kathy Fairfax, former Green Left editor: "Congratulations to Green Left for producing the best left and environmental coverage of Australia and the world for an amazing 30 years. As a former editor, I know just how much work the dedicated band of volunteers puts in week after week to produce that content. For 30 years, GL has supported and encouraged activists for workers' rights, climate justice, the rights of First Nations peoples, women's equality, abortion reform, ending Black deaths in custody and many more. Keep up the good work GL: Australia, and the world, needs you."
Kavita Krishnan, socialist, feminist and leader of Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation, India: "Green Left has shown the global Left how it can do battle with corporate media and create a platform for people's media which will prioritize people's movements and people's perspectives and ideas."
Keith Locke, former NZ Greens MP: "Thanks to all those involved with the production of Green Left these past 30 years. It conveys news and analysis that ecosocialists like me can’t get elsewhere – both on vital issues in our region, and the big international issues. It has carried so many stories about people at the frontlines of progressive struggles, which are commonly missing in the mainstream media."
Ken Ferguson, editor Scottish Socialist Voice: "Congratulations to Green Left on 30 years of struggle for a world meeting the needs of both people and planet. Though a world away we are together in the struggle for peace, socialism and democracy to ensure a future for all the earth's inhabitants and the planet itself."
Keri Okanik, activist: "When I moved to Australia a few years ago, I was eager to find a source of progressive news media to keep me informed about issues - both domestic and international. Green Left was it! I care deeply about social and ecological justice. I appreciate that Green Left is passionate about both – providing excellent analysis, commentary, and opportunities to get active in creating a more just and equal world."
Kim Sattler, labour movement activist: "Wow! Green Left is 30 years old this year! What an amazing thing it is to see an independent left paper survive in the sea of monopoly media empires! A free press is so important in these dangerous times. Workers' voices are so critical to understand why the poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer."
Lee Tan, long-time environmental and social change activist: "Congratulations for the 30th anniversary of Green Left! In this day and age of corporate dominance in the media, we must celebrate and give credits to independent media and social media outlets. Green Left gives space to the progressive movement and as social change agent, we are glad to have this space to cover issues which mainstream media is unlikely to broadcast. Keep going from strength to strength Green Left and every staff who has made it thus far! Thank you!"
Lee Yu Kyung, independent international correspondent: "Once upon a time, I discovered Green Left as a critical window through which I could read of the world of pain and injustice but also of dignified struggle. It is an honour and enormous pleasure to be a contributor to GL's reporting. 30 years of independent life spells that. Huge congrats!"
Lionel Bopage, human rights activist: "Congratulations Green Left on reaching 30 years! What a marvellous political achievement being the premier left and green alternative news source. I have been an avid reader of GL since its inception. It has been an inspiration of resistance and courage and a source of knowledge and analysis of the struggles the world over. Green Left can be proud of its role in this era of transnational neo-liberal capitalism by serving as a forum, and a beacon for broad social change. GL effortlessly does this by reporting on the local conditions from around the world. Unlike the capitalist media, it does this exceptional job by being funded by the contributions made by many working men and women. Unlike many left-wing magazines, it also admirably does not fall prey to turgid and abstract theoretical intellectual discussions. We are proud of GL, its contributing editors and comrades who analyse situations from a progressive left perspective so that we could glean insights into the overall current state of the working people under the yoke of neo-liberal transnational capitalism. Long may the GL serve the needs of ordinary folk not the whims of the capitalist behemoths who blot our landscape and blight our lives. I look forward to many more years of the GL!
Malik Miah, veteran Black rights and Marxist activist (United States): "I salute Green Left as it celebrates 30 years of revolutionary socialist journalism. As a publication that promotes international socialism and working-class struggle, it is needed today more than ever. GL has done an outstanding job of reporting on the fight backs against the national oppression of African Americans and other minorities in the United States. I look forward to GL’s ongoing success. Congratulations."
Maire Leadbeater, human rights activist (New Zealand): "Congratulations to Green Left on its 30th anniversary. I am grateful for its consistent reporting on struggles in the Pacific region including the struggles that fly under the radar of the mainstream media: in West Papua, Kanaky and Fiji for example. Aotearoa and Australia have so many ties - as settler colonies, as members of the nefarious ‘Five Eyes’ network and many other military and trade agreements. Our past includes some wonderful examples of cross-Tasman solidarity such as the moral and financial support given by Australian unions to the locked out Kiwi watersiders in 1951. Green Left will help us to promote similar solidarity in the future."
Marcel Cartier, writer, journalist and hip-hop artist: "Green Left remains one of the most important media platforms for sharp analysis of the problems facing humanity and the planet. More importantly, it offers profound insights on how we can collectively overcome these problems and move toward a future of emancipation. Happy birthday, and here's to 30 more revolutionary years!"
Margaret Walters, musician: "I've just received the latest issue of Green Left and want to congratulate the paper on their 30 years of ecosocialist action. It's a great source of local and international news on issues not covered sufficiently in mainstream media — from public housing in Glebe to events in Myanmar, Venezuela, South Africa and analysis of issues like spying and big tech, Medevac refugees, donations to political parties, the nuclear industry. And there's posters to hold aloft at the next rally, a handy list of dates for activists, and I just noticed they have podcasts."
Marie Sørhaug, The Red Party (Norway): "Happy birthday on February 18! Reading the newsletter from Green Left is always food for thought. All over the world people are getting together to fight for freedom and to save the world from destruction. Keep up your great work."
Mary Merkenich, feminist, animal rights activist and Australian Education Union Victorian Branch councillor: "A paper that is proudly and steadfastly on the side of those fighting for: a world without exploitation, oppression, and discrimination, an end to the destruction of the environment, a halt to the suffering and extinction of other species is a paper that makes me proud: a paper that also unhesitatingly exposes the lies of self motivated politicians, such as Morrison and spineless pretenders such as the ALP – that paper is Green Left."
Maysoon Elnigoumi, Sudanese community activist: "I first got to know Green Left in early 2019, in an event organised by my community supporting the Sudan Uprising. I finally got to read the concerns of my community on paper. But I also finally found a media outlet that spoke to my concerns as an Australian. I read it and so do my children at high school. Happy 30th!"
Mat Ward, music-maker and curator of Green Left’s political albums: "All news is biased. If you’re only reading the corporate media – or only reading the non-corporate media – you’re missing half the story. That's why Green Left is vital in keeping the public fully informed."
Matt Ross, environmental activist: "Big shout out to Green Left for all their tireless work for the last thirty years, covering so many social issues that affect us here in Australia. I'm really stoked to give a bit of a shout out, I really follow the coverage and I also admire the integrity and commitment to social justice and to environmental issues that the paper gives us. Thanks for sharing our voice and being a voice of the people."
Mehreen Faruqi, Greens NSW senator: "Congratulations to the GL for a wonderful 30 years in print. With the political and media landscape dominated by the interests of billionaires and Rupert Murdoch, the resistance of the Green Left is not just important, it is absolutely vital. Thank you for always putting people and the planet, and fighting against capitalism, front and centre. Here’s to another 30 years and many more print editions."
Video: Mehreen Faruqi: 'the Green Left is absolutely vital'. Green Left.
Merck Maguddayao, socialist activist (Philippines): "I congratulate Green Left on its 30th anniversary! Proud and honoured to be an occasional contributor of news, features, and opinion articles about the labour/progressive movement in the Philippines. In this barbaric era of fake news and right-wing trolling, people-powered media is much much needed more than ever."
Mira Ibrahim, Democratic Kurdish Community Centre (Sydney): "Big congratulations and happy anniversary to 30 years of Green Left. I am glad to be a supporter of Green Left. I appreciate all Green Left's work because it always stands and fights for freedom, human rights, against racism, for refugees’ rights, against discrimination, for women’s rights and democracy. Many thanks to all the Green Left staff who have always been positive and powerful supporters of the Kurdish people's struggles for rights, justice, peace and freedom. Long live Green Left!"
Moira Mcdonald, public housing activist and Socialist Alliance member: "Congratulations on 30 excellent years. I was just a little slip of a thing when you started! I wish you 30 more years at least. I love your articles, particularly anything to do with public housing. Don’t ever forget comrades don’t put the words social housing through your lips, it is public housing and don’t let them forget it! Continue the good fight and congratulations on a great milestone. We’ll see you around for many, many years."
Nazir Yousafi, Hazara Community Melbourne: "Congratulations for 30 years of struggle against fake and yellow journalism and thanks for providing facts based, transparent news to us. The left really needs Green Left, which is a good source of political information."
Nick Reimer, refugee rights activist and academic: "It’s rare for news and ideas to be seen as fundamentally supports for activism but that’s what makes Green Left so important. Green Left occupies a realy vital place in Australian life. So, congratulations to everyone who’s made it happen for 30 years. And here’s to another 30 years and more of a paper that’s completely synonymous with grassroots activism and that we buy at marches and demonstrations."
Nirajan Gauli, president Australia Nepal Public Link: "Congratulations to GL on your 30th years of remarkable journey- this is a great effort. GL is one of the most respected, well informed paper about workers’ struggles. As we all know, we need progressive & community-owned media like this who advocates for social issues. All the best for coming days ahead."
Dr Nisha Thapliyal, Senior Lecturer, School of Education, University of Newcastle: "Congratulations to Green Left on its 30th birthday! Thanks for bringing us news and activist voices from the 99% all around the world."
Pamela Curr, longtime refugee advocate: "Stop the clocks – take a moment to reflect. Green Left is 30 years old. An independent socialist newspaper is alive and well reporting, exposing and analysing the issues that really matter to our community. Congratulations and thank you for being the voice in the human rights wilderness, the canary in the workers minefield and the soul of the people who still believe in a just and kind world. Long may you live."
Paula Castro, Latin American Social Forum (Sydney): "Dear Green Left, thank you for 30 years of reporting. You are an integral part of all those who fight for a better society and we need you around. And we need you for many years to come. Congratulations for 30 years of true news and for helping in the struggle!"
Paul Gregoire, journalist: "Green Left has always been a trusted alternative news source, telling it like it is. In a nation with media ownership amongst the most concentrated on the planet, GL has a reputation for speaking truth without answering to power. And the Green Left has been essential in the case of Global South news, where it’s often been the only source over its 30 years in print."
Paul Keating, Maritime Union of Australia Sydney branch secretary: "To Green Left, a very happy 30th birthday! You have been looking after our communities this whole time and you continue to fight from the front. Solidarity and a very happy birthday. Let’s keep fighting for the working class."
Paul Le Blanc, writer and socialist (United States): "I want to hail Green Left because it is a tribune of the people standing against all forms of oppression and for all struggles for human dignity, human rights and standing as a beacon for a socialist future. The comrades who are involved in putting out this wonderful paper, I not only salute you, I embrace you for the job you are doing for helping to contribute to the struggle for socialism in Australia and all around the world."
Paul Petersen, Maritime Union of Australia Queensland branch acting deputy secretary: "Congratulations to the GL for 3 decades of fearless and independent reporting on issues most media will not touch. With the rising threat of right wing ideology becoming normalised it is critically important to support independent media outlets like Green Left. Support GL and help be part of the solution."
Video: Paul Petersen: 'Support GL and help be part of the solution'. Green Left Extras.
Pat Brewer: "In Sept 28-Oct 1 1990 a major Socialist Scholars Conference was held in University of Technology, Sydney attended by many international guests and left organisations where some 1400 people attended sessions overall. One major discussion addressed the need for a new broad paper for the left rather than a party paper for different sections and organisations - a Red-Green paper. It was decided that such a paper should be produced starting in February 1991. Green Left began at that point in time to address the broad variety of experiences out of the social movements of the 1960s. Today that experience has achieved 30 years coverage of a wide range of political struggles taking place internationally, nationally and locally. Congratulations Green Left!"
Peter Boyle: "The Green Left project was a pioneer of ecosocialist politics when it was launched in 1991 and now, three decades later, it has stood the test of time. More than a voice for change, it is a unifying and organising force for all who strive for such change. Bravo Green Left!"
Peter O'Brien, O’Brien Criminal & Civil Solicitors: "Congratulations on 30 years of Green Left! Your radical efforts in publishing and exposing news that other media organisations refuse to, empowers the community in a greater understanding of the truth. Green Left has been instrumental in building movements of resistances, and housing a space for progressive ideas and debates. We look forward to the years of Green Left to come."
Phil Monsour, musician and activist: "Congratulations Green Left. Thirty years of providing news and analysis, linking protest, international solidarity and resistance art."
Philippa Skinner: "I can’t quite believe it’s 30 years since I worked on the initial design and production of Green Left Weekly. I’ll never forget myself and another comrade delivering the prepress artwork to the printers at Windsor late at night then falling asleep with exhaustion on the banks of the Hawkesbury River while waiting for the first issue to be printed. What an exciting and proud moment it was to see that first paper hot off the press then driving back to Sydney with 1/2 a dozen copies to show comrades. Congratulations to all the comrades and contributors who have continued this tradition. Thank you for all the hard work, late nights, commitment and astute political analysis that has enabled Green Left to survive and thrive for 30 years."
Pip Hinman, Green Left editor: "If you want to help us celebrate 30 years of the little paper with a big heart become a supporter!"
Rachel Kirby, Radio 3CR station manager: "Congratulations Green Left on 30 great years of providing insightful, critical and community-focused coverage of the ecological and political issues that matter. Our broadcasters here at the station can always find a copy of Green Left on the kitchen table — it's vital reading that provides in-depth critique and a true alternative to corporate mainstream media reporting. We're proud that you can also tune into the Green Left radio program each Friday morning here on radio 3CR. All power to the Green Left team into the future!"
Reihana Mohideen, Party of the Laboring Masses (Philippines): "Congratulations to Green Left on 30 years of campaigning and raising awareness towards building a socialist alternative. I am honoured to have been associated with this project from its inception. Tuloy ang Laban (The struggle continues)! Mabuhay!"
Renas Lelikan, Kurdish journalist: "I congratulate Green Left for 30 years. We are very glad to have the solidarity of Green Left for the Kurdish freedom struggle and the other freedom movements."
Richard Fidler, activist in Solidarity Ottawa and Québec Solidaire: "Thirty years! In my youth we thought we would be enjoying a flourishing socialism by that timeline. Thanks to Green Left for your help throughout this "longue durée" in charting our course through capitalist disorder and toward that socialist future on the far-off horizon."
Rita Mallia, CFMEU Construction & General Division NSW president: "Happy 30th to Green Left. Always taking up the stories of solidarity and struggle that the others don’t. Thanks for all the support. Here’s to 30 more years reporting on what really counts."
Rob Graham: "I wanted to write and send my congratulations to you all at Green Left on its 30th anniversary. I was there the day GL was officially launched and was also one of the people who bought a "share" in the paper - a certificate which I still proudly own. It was a really exciting time and I remember the room where the paper was launched was really buzzing that night! Wow, do I feel old remembering back to that night! I also used to sell the paper on the streets of Perth - including the first-ever issue which had the title "Stop The War" proudly emblazoned on the front cover. I have to say it was an interesting experience selling the paper. I was spat on, jostled, insulted, I received lots of filthy looks and condescending comments etc but I didn't care. There was lots of support too - from unexpected places sometimes. You never know who is a closet socialist or environmentalist! I used to write for the paper too - mainly about issues around the "civil war" in El Salvador, and the wider Central American region as it suffered under the Cold War dictates of U.S foreign policy. When I think of the many progressive publications I have seen come and go in my 50 years on this Earth, I am all-the-more impressed with how this little battler of a newspaper has survived. What a credit to everyone involved - especially those who were there at the beginning and remain to this day. Nothing but mad respect for you all. Your solidarity with the oppressed, with our planet, and with those fighting for a fairer world continues to inspire me. Keep up the great work! Viva Green Left!"
Rob Pyne, Socialist Alliance member and Cairns councillor: "Congratulations to the Green Left on their upcoming 30th Anniversary. Well done to all the contributors for giving the left a real voice in an age of lies, spin and disinformation. Thank you for cutting through and here’s to the next 30 years!"
Robynne Murphy, filmmaker and activist: "Congratulations on 30 years of Green Left! When society doesn’t satisfy, you need to turn to Green Left, always a balanced coverage of both international and local issues, threatening the establishment, showcasing positive wins and analysing critical campaigns that can change the world. A tool for change. Whenever I need factual background information on feminism today, I turn to Green Left."
Rochin Battal, Kurdish refugee from Afrin in North-East Syria (Rojava): "Thank you Green Left for always supporting the people of Afrin and refugees who are forced to abandon the homes we love."
Roger Markwick, conjoint professor of Modern European History, University of Newcastle: "Congratulations to Green Left on its 30th birthday! To publish such a paper over such a prolonged period is testimony to the tenacity of those who have produced a paper that uncompromisingly voices the interests of those in Australia and worldwide who have no real voice under contemporary capitalism. In the current crisis, Green Left will be needed more than ever."
Rohan Pearce, technology journalist and former Green Left editor: "Congratulations for achieving such an amazing milestone – three decades of being a fearless voice for social justice and ecological sustainability both in Australia and around the world!"
Rowan Cahill, labour historian: "Australia had a long history of radical and labour movement publications going back to the 19th Century. If you look at in he National Library or other archival holdings it’s an amazing array. Green Left now joins that very honoured radical labour movement tradition. This tradition is usually written out of history, ignored, but it was there! I congratulate Green Left for a remarkable achievement. Congratulations and thank you."
Saleh Moslem, Democratic Union Party (Rojava): "We would like to congratulate Green Left for 30 years of struggle defending humanitarian values, which evidence of your insistence and decisiveness for a better world for all humanity. We would like to ensure you that your friends and comrades are spread all over the world. We are in Rojava, Syria fighting against global ISIS terrorism and struggling to build a society with equality and grassroots democracy that is friendly to ecology. These are the same values you comrades are defending in Australia, Asia, Europe, America and Middle East. We are sure triumph will be ours!"
Sally Goldner AM, community radio broadcaster and trans, bi/pan and neurodiverse advocate: "We continually see an increased concentration of media owner ownership combined with an increasing shift to the right in so much of media. Green Left is therefore a vital buffer to those factors in providing a space to a range of diverse, people, views, causes and connecting all of those people who want a fair go for our planet and all of Earth’s inhabitants."
Sarah Hathway: "To the editors, those in production, and all those who have contributed to Green Left over the last 30 years, big congratulations for getting this far! I first started writing for Green Left and distributing Green Left 8 years ago, I was a TAFE student at the time, and it was my first mass rally up in Melbourne against the cuts to public TAFE and someone gave me a pen and paper and they said go over there and write an article about this rally and it just sort of went on from there. I've supported Green Left for the last 8 years because for me Green Left is a voice for the voiceless and it's very clear that mainstream media not only doesn't care what workers have to say, what women have to say, what students have to say, but is waging a war against us and against the climate and against the justice we need. So all power to you comrades and happy 30th birthday!"
Selahattin Fil, Turkish socialist: "It is not easy to run a left-wing newspaper for 30 years. I congratulate Green Left! GL is supporting struggles all around the world, including the Kurdsh liberation struggle. This is why I thank you and support you too."
Sibylle Kaczorek, Green Left correspondent in Berlin: "Happy anniversary Green Left! I wish I was there celebrating with you but due to lock down in Berlin and expensive flights to Australia that is not an option right now. But Green Left having lasted, survived, existed for 30 years is an amazing milestone. It’s because Green Left is necessary, it’s needed because it’s a source of media that tells the story of ordinary people fighting for and defending their rights. Green Left exists because these stories are not being told by media that are owned by millionaires or corporate entities. Never before have we faced so many crises. The climate crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, they all expose the limits of capitalism. That’s why we need Green Left more than ever. Together lets ensure that Green Left continues to be a strong voice supporting the movements that challenge destruction and injustice. Tonight celebrate and I’ll look forward to sharing that continued struggle with you in the near future. Happy anniversary!"
Sidney Luckett, veteran South African anti-Apartheid activist: "I am an executive member of the Kurdish Human Rights Action Group, based in Cape Town, South Africa. I first became aware of the Green Left‘s coverage of the Kurdish struggle for freedom in February 2020 and have been following its news updates and comments on this struggle ever since. During this period I have been most impressed by the wide range of issues covered by Green Left; it has provided timeous, thoughtful and well-informed comments on people struggling against political oppression by governments and against economic exploitation by major global corporations. I don’t know of any other progressive English-language newspaper that has lasted for 30 years. Long may Green Left continue to inform progressives throughout the world of the (often) hidden struggles of peoples who would otherwise go unnoticed. Viva Green Left!"
Simon Butler, former Green Left editor: "30 years of Green Left, what an achievement! Congratulations to everyone involved. We can’t overstate how important this publication has been. It has been way ahead of its time in linking the ecological crisis with the need for socialist change. Green Left was there well before others who are only now catching up. So congratulations once again to Green Left and here’s to another decade, another two decades or as long as it takes to bring about ecosocialist change."
Sivarajan Arumugam, Socialist Party of Malaysia general secretary: "Congratulations Green Left for putting forward revolutionary analysis on ecosocialism and politics over the last 30 years. In a world dominated by corporate controlled media, a truly independent and critical news media such as Green Left has been instrumental as a voice of the oppressed masses in Australia and in other parts of the world."
Somsak Rachso, founding member Thai Alliance for Human Rights - Australia: "I have joined Green Left activities since 2010. Green Left is the organisation that stands for human rights and democracy movements around the world including Thailand. Congratulations to its 30th anniversary of great work!"
Sonny Melencio, Party of the Labouring Masses chair (Philippines): "More power to Green Left on its 30th year! Activists in the Philippines get significant news analysis of what’s happening in the world. We connect to revolutionary and socialist groups through GL. It inspires and teaches us a lot about various experiences of working peoples’ struggles in various countries and in Australia. It’s in fact the only source that provides us today with an analytical view of world events on a weekly basis. How I wish we could have our own version of GL in the Philippines. Padayon at mabuhay kayo, mga kasama!"
Stuart Rees, academic, human rights activist, author and founder of the Sydney Peace Foundation: "Green Left provides not only high standard professional journalism, but also a consistently humanitarian advocacy for justice locally, nationally, around the globe. Invaluable, indispensable."
Sue Bolton, Socialist Alliance Moreland City councillor: "Congratulations Green Left on 30 years of continuous production. That’s a massive achievement. I remember when GL first came out during the first Gulf War. This was a momentous time when the whole world was rising up against the invasion of Iraq. There were hundreds of thousands of people on the streets in Australia. GL played a critical role in putting the case as to why Australia should not be part of any invasion of Iraq. Since then, Green Left has reported on and supported the progressive side of struggle on every significant event in Australia and internationally. That includes the campaign against woodchipping in the 1990s, the campaign against global warming (as it used to be known); to the campaign against French nuclear testing in the Pacific, support for the Pacific independence movements; the East Timorese struggle; Howard’s anti-worker Work Choices laws. There have been many more struggles, of course, that Green Left has reported on: 2001 Arab uprising; solidarity with Palestinians, women’s rights, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Rights. We’ve been involved in every significant struggle. I’m sure that Green Left will keep in being the voice of the oppressed."
Video: Sue Bolton: 'I remember when the first Green Left came out'. Green Let Extras
Sue Bull, Socialist Alliance Geelong co-convenor: "I wish Green Left a happy 30th anniversary. I was there when it began and it was a wonderful colourful addition to the left discussion and movement — and it still it. It is very much worth every cent you pay for it and it is an organiser of all activists."
Sujatha Fernandes, writer and professor of sociology, University of Sydney: "In a world dominated by a few highly controlled media outlets, Green Left stands out for its fierce independence, political commitment to struggles of the marginalized, and global reporting of key issues. Congratulations Green Left! Proud to have been part of your story."
Suzanne James, Green Left journalist: "Congratulations to all at Green Left for 30 years of people-powered media speaking truth to power without fear or favour. For a small community media outlet to have survived 30 years is an achievement in itself but for a green, left, ecosocialist paper to survive in the increasingly volatile media environment in Australia, now that's impressive! We have private corporate oligarchs enjoying government-sanctioned monopoly, heavily funded by taxpayers' dollars. The mainstream media has become compromised in an already toxic political environment – an environment where you can become prime minister by backstabbing your colleagues and lying to your own party room while journalists are in jail for telling the truth. It is so important that an independent voice continues to be heard in this environment and the ongoing community subscriber support for GL is so important for our future, the future of the environment, humanitarianism, justice, equity and democracy. So thank you GL for all that you do but most of all for not giving up. Never give in, never give up, never back down!"
Tamara Pearson, journalist and author: "Congratulations to Green Left for 30 years of fearless and genuine reporting that decisively sides with social struggles and oppressed peoples. Thirty years is quite a ride of battles, lessons, and changes and it takes pluck to persevere as you have done."
Tariq Ali, writer: "Green Left started at a time before we witnessed the virtually complete degeneration of the mainstream media. Since the latter has now become a pillar of the existing order, GL has become an important venue for providing a counter-narrative. Long may it last."

Ted Trainer, conjoint lecturer in the School of Social Sciences, University of New South Wales: "Congrats to GL for such a long and admirable history of challenging mainstream assumptions and values. System change depends ultimately on change in ideas and Green Left has made a great contribution."
Terry Townsend, former Green Left and Links editor: "Congratulations to all of Green Left's contributors and supporters for three decades of giving a voice and more power to people fighting for a better world. Green Left’s principled truth telling, international solidarity and active support for movements for social justice and environmental sustainability across Australia have made it indispensable to progressive people and their campaigns everywhere. Here’s to the next 30 years!"
Tim Gooden, Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union delegate (Geelong): "Happy Birthday to GL. Congratulations to all the comrades over the last 30 years who have made a monumental effort to help improve people's lives, who have communicated and campaigned and helped in the fight-backs in this country and given solidarity to others around the world. The media is changing. Future platforms are going to be different and Green Left has been changing, evolving and getting better every year. Sure, the ruling class would like GL to shrivel up and die away. But while there is oppression, Green Left will be there to be the voice of workers, to share the information around the world with workers, and to help campaign to make a better life for everyone. Well done!"
Tom Twiss, author of Trotsky and the Problem of Soviet Bureaucracy: "For 30 years, Green Left has been a vital and indispensable source for news and analysis. Congratulations Green Left on your anniversary! I look forward to reading you for many more years."
Tracey Carpenter, veteran campaigner: "Happy Birthday and thank you GL for bringing us real news from real people. Lord knows we need a voice we can trust. Thirty more years please."
Helen Tsoutsouvas: "The only one that truly keeps the bastards honest. Happy 30th birthday and thank you for placing climate action high on the political agenda where it deserves."
Vince Emanuele, anti-war activist and Iraq war veteran (United States): "Congratulations to Green Left for leading the way in socialist-green thought and politics. This year, they're celebrating their 30th anniversary! Not only does GL provide great reporting and analysis, but they're also on the ground, in the struggle, and that's what matters most."
Viraj Dissanayake, Sri Lankan human rights and trade union activist: "I am a rank and file member of the CFMEU, based in Melbourne, and I want to congratulate Green Left on their 30th anniversary. It is an amazing thing that we can have such a newspaper for 30 years. As an activist I remember after I came to Australia from Sri Lanka I always got copies of GL as GL always covered things connected to Sri Lanka particularly about the union stuff and the Tamil struggle. We always have the opportunity through GL to talk about the Tamils who are going through hell because of the Sinhala chauvinist government in Sri Lanka. So congratulations to GL on reaching this milestone."
Vivien Langford, broadcaster at 3CR and Radio Skid Row’s The Climate Action Show: "When I listen to Radio 3CR in Melbourne or open the Green Left newspaper in Sydney I feel like I am in a different country. Independent media doesn’t have to 'manufacture consent' for the destructive economy we have created. It manufactures courage for the preservation and reconstruction of the best in us. My heartfelt thanks to GL for your stories of climate action and cultural dissent around the world. The invisible subtitles on our mainstream news tell us 'there is nothing you can do, just keep chatting'. But GL news shows there is plenty we can do and here are the people and communities that are already doing it. Thank you for many valuable connections."
Vivienne Porzsolt, Jews Against the Occupation activist: "A hearty congratulations to Green Left for 30 years. It’s an amazing achievement. Green Left was just starting when I arrived in Sydney and it is a wonderful thing that is still going and still has the great energy for progress. It’s an inspiration for us all."
Yanis Iqbal, journalist: "As Green Left turns 30, we need to reflect on the enormous role played by it in actively resisting capitalism’s mass propaganda. A 100% people-powered project, the weekly serves as a blueprint for what a bottom-up antidote to corporate media can look like. To resist oligarchy-funded ideological indoctrination, we need to support and create projects like Green Left which provide people with alternative narratives and build the cultural ballast of socialism within the womb of capitalist society."
Yousef Alreemawi, Palestinian writer, translator and activist in Melbourne, founder of Palestine Remembered @ Radio 3CR, and ASPIRE refugee project: "Green Left's solidarity with the rights of the Palestinian people is felt and appreciated by Palestinians, and much needed in a country like Australia - where Palestine had nearly no voice for decades. Thank you for being a source of knowledge in times of ignorance, of depth in times of shallowness, of unity in times of division, and of justice in times of aggression. And Congratulations to Green Left for turning 30!"
Zerebar Karimi, Kurdish refugee and trade union organiser: "For 30 years Green Left has been publishing and amplifying the voices of those who need to be heard the most: the oppressed, the workers, women, the colonised, the First Nations peoples and liberations movements everywhere – including the Kurdish liberation movement which is very close to my heart. I hope for many more years of publication, many more stories to come and I wish you for all the success and solidarity."
Zeta Henderson, Geelong Trades Hall vice-president & Australian Nurses and Midwives Federation delegate: "Happy 30th anniversary to Green Left. It has been my pleasure to have been out there in the streets with Green Left for the last 10 years. It is something I love talking to people about because here is always something worthwhile and interesting to read in it. Long live Green Left!"