
book cover with background image of protest

Federico Fuentes reviews Uprising: The October Rebellion in Ecuador, an exceptional look at the October 2019 anti-neoliberal insurrection from the perspective of one of its central leaders.

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Alex Salmon reviews Knocking the top off: A people’s history of alcohol in Australia, edited by Alex Ettling and Iain McIntyre.

Book cover against images of drugs

Chris Slee reviews Benjamin Fong's book, Quick Fixes: Drugs in America from Prohibition to the 21st Century Binge, which examines the history of drug use and prohibition in the United States.

book cover and background image of woman's face

Andrew Chuter reviews Their Blood Got Mixed, a graphic memoir through the heart of a remarkable experiment in self-determination.

woman wearing a face mask looking out a window

In their book, The Locked-up Country — a play on Donald Horne’s The Lucky Country — Tom Chodor and Sharar Hameiri meticulously chronicle how governments opted for seemingly unthinkable measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Fred Fuentes reviews.

Usman Khawaja for Palestine

Cricketer Usman Khawaja challenging the banning of wearing messages supporting Palestine is the latest example of athletes countering the idea that 'sports and politics don't mix'. Alex Salmon reports. 

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Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents eight important new books for rebels and revolutionaries on your gift list

historical painting of Napoleon Bonaparte

Director Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Kingdom of Heaven) depicts the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte in his 2023 film, Napoleon. Alex Salmon reviews.

two men, one holds a spear

Award-winning Arrente and Kalkadoon filmmaker, Rachel Perkins' 2022 series, The Australian Wars, documents Australia’s frontier wars, asking the audience to grapple with our past and how it might shape a shared future, writes Leo Earle.

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Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents six important new books on climate, food, waste, Venezuela’s communes and basic income.

Protest albums from November 2023

Mat Ward looks back at November's political news and the best new music that related to it.