
The Beauty Myth By Naomi Wolf Chatto and Windus (London). 1990. 276 pp. Hardback $29.95 Reviewed by Melanie Sjoberg "The qualities that a given period calls beautiful in women are merely symbols of the female behaviour that period considers
People Like Us One Extra Company Choreographer: Kai Tai Chan Director: Peter Kingston Musical Director: Mara Kiek Design: Tim Kobin Everest Theatre, Seymour Centre. March 4-16 Reviewed by Angela Matheson Kai Tai Chan understands the common
The Royal Commission into the Australian Economy By John Clarke and Ross Stevenson Director and Designer: Bruce Petty Belvoir Theatre, Sydney Reviewed by Angela Matheson The monster that is the economy looms above the royal commission as a
Alice Written and directed by Woody Allen Starring Mia Farrow Alice is a whimsical comic fantasy about a very rich New Yorker who finds her life and her relationships unfulfilling, her frustrations manifesting themselves in a back ache. The
Hamlet Directed by Franco Zeffirelli With Mel Gibson as Hamlet, Glenn Close as Gertrude Reviewed by Chris Canute As Shakespeare's longest and best known play, Hamlet is a daunting proposition for directors, actors and audience alike. Zeffirelli's
By Rod Webb When he was a boy, Amir Naderi was too chubby to be the exact model for Amiro, the hero of his film The Runner, but he has a great sense of poetic licence. "This is the cinema, and I can intervene in a lot ot things. Even a director
Dances With Wolves Directed by Kevin Costner Staring Kevin Costner Reviewed by Jacqui Kavanagh Set in the 1860s, Dances With Wolves offers a refreshing alternative to the usual Hollywood stereotyping of indigenous Americans and glossing over of
By Gunhild Jonsson I had one too — an oral history of abortion in South Australia before 1970 by Barbara Baird is a study that grew out of the public debate about a private member's bill introduced (and narrowly defeated) in South Australia in
By Angela Matheson SYDNEY — A world first for women is taking place in an electric purple office in the inner city suburb of Glebe. The Women's Economic Think Tank, or WETTANK, has been set up by a group of women with expertise in economics to
Leningrad Cowboys Go America Directed by Aki Kaurismaki Academy Twin, Sydney Reviewed by Kim Spurway This is a quirky, offbeat comedy that may not appeal to everyone. It is the story of the Leningrad Cowboys, a Finnish band trying to break into
By Angela Matheson SYDNEY — Jane Mitchell is an escapologist. She earns her living escaping from a laundry sack tied securely with 15 metres of rope by volunteers. "To be tied in a dirty smelly laundry sack is hell on earth", she said after
The Golden Braid The Golden Braid Directed by Paul Cox Written by Paul Cox and Barry Dickens Based on a story by Guy de Maupassant Reviewed by Debra Wirth Perhaps if director Paul Cox, in introducing his latest film at the premier in Sydney,