
Ecosocialist Bookshelf June

Climate & Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents seven new books on science, medicine and socialism.

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Meltdown: Three Mile Island shows just how close the 1979 accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant came to being a calamity on the scale of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, writes Alex Salmon.

Indelible City, writes Alex Salmon, looks at the struggles of the people of Hong Kong to maintain their city’s identity while caught between British colonialism and Stalinist China.

Jim McIlroy reviews The Catastrophe of Ukrainian Capitalism, which tackles the reality of modern Ukraine, providing essential background to the political and economic state of the country in the lead up to Russia’s invasion.

Julian Assange is being held at Belmarsh, Britain’s most secure and infamous prisons, and crushed by judicial procedure. But, as Ithaka shows, in his supporters, he has some vestigial reminders of a life outside, writes Binoy Kampmark.

“Keep Community Strong” has been chosen as the theme for 3CR’s annual fundraising Radiothon. Throughout June, 3CR is are asking listeners and supporters to make a donation, writes Rachel Kirby.

Denis Rogatyuk reviews Latin American Extractivism, a compilation of articles analysing the political economy of resource nationalism and policies of natural resource extraction by left-wing and right-wing governments in the region.

Climate protest

Thomas Klikauer and Meg Young review Hans A Baer's latest book, Climate Change and Capitalism in Australia — An Eco-Socialist Vision for the Future, which invites readers to imagine a world beyond capitalism.

Free by Lea Ypi

Alex Miller reviews Lea Ypi's fascinating memoir, which paints a vivid picture of growing up in Albania during Communist rule and the descent into casino capitalism and civil war.

Cricket player

The Sri Lankan government is hoping the Australian cricket tour will distract from the economic and political crisis engulfing the country, writes Binoy Kampmark.

Kapital: Sparks of Revolution game

Viv Miley reviews Kapital: Sparks of Revolution, a city building, resource management, simulation video game with a class antagonism basis.