
“Normal” was so broken, we don't want to go back to that. But, as Sam Wainwright argues, we're going to have to build a movement strong enough to transform Australia’s economy.

On May 8, 1970, one of the greatest mass mobilisations in Australia's history took place — the first Vietnam Moratorium against the country’s involvement in the murderous US-led invasion of Indochina. Participant Jim McIlroy reflects on the political lessons.

Planet Earth wearing a PPE mask

Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg chose the 50th anniversary of Earth Day to add her voice to the push for society to “tackle two crises at once” — the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis, writes Jim McIlroy.

The science must guide how we safely return to work. Those who pit generations against each other are pushing a cheap and nasty divide-and-rule strategy which deflect from capitalism's failures to all generations, writes Pip Hinman.

Modern Monetary Theory is getting increasing attention as a means to solve economic problems, especially as governments spend big under COVID-19. Neville Spencer explains its usefulness and its limitations.

Greens Councillor Jonathan Sri, who represents The Gabba ward in Brisbane, says he will not be installing the COVID-19 surveillance app and explains why other measures, without any nasty stings, would be more effective in helping reduce the spread of the pandemic.

Illustration showning the space on streets surrendered to cars

The absence of cars in our car-dominated cities in the COVID-19 pandemic reminds us that we need green space and mass transit, argues Andrew Chuter.


US military conducting exercises in Saudi Arabia

The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network is calling on the Australian government to stop funneling billions of dollars into offensive weapons for unjust United States-led wars, and invest instead in the health and safety of people and the environment.

This episode of Green Left features an important discussion with National Tertiary Education Union branch presidents and Socialist Alliance members Jonathan Strauss and Helen Masterman-Smith on the kind of politics and fight needed to save universities.

The federal government wants us all signed up to a new COVID-19 contact tracing app. But Viv Miley says there are legitimate concerns about how our data and privacy would be affected.

There is no disguising the United States' right wing push for corporate profits above human life. The ruling elite in Australia has the same priority, but it is a little more subtle, argues Alex Bainbridge.

Virgin and Qantas planes

The federal government's determination to pursue a market solution not only jeopardises Virgin employees' jobs, it flies in the face of finding an ecological solution to long-distance travel, argues Jim McIlroy.