
Muhammad Khaled Abu Mahmoud, a former President of the General Union of Palestinian Engineers, Australia branch, and a survivor of the Nakba, gave this speech to the Nakba protest.

This video was made with voices from the Naarm/Melbourne free Gaza rally, on May 12, Mother's Day.

Former Geelong Trades Hall secretary and Socialist Alliance member, Tim Gooden, calls on the Australian Council of Trade Unions and secretary Sally McManus to take stronger action against Israel's genocide

Labor’s 2024 budget, that supposedly addresses the cost-of-living crisis, leaves the poorest $220 a week under the poverty line. Peter Boyle reports on a Labor budget with no heart, guts or vision.

The ACTU needs to take a much stronger stand if its going to force Labor to pressure Israel to abide by international law and defend Palestinians in Gaza from genocide, argues Tim Gooden.


RAFFWU members at May Day in Brisbane

Retail and Fast Food Workers’ Union secretary Josh Cullinan spoke to Isaac Nellist about the Senate inquiry into supermarket prices. 

In his speech to a pro-Palestine rally, Nick Riemer asked how Vice-Chancellors can dare accuse us of violence when they are courting deeper links with the war industry?

On the day that climate scientists said the world is heading for 2.5°C global warming, Labor announced it would accelerate major new fossil fuel projects beyond 2050. Colin Hughes reports.

Palestinian scientist and activist Mazin Qumsiyeh joins the latest Green Left Show.

Palestine solidarity encampments at several universities issued this statement on May 9.

Federal budgets are about choosing where public money should be spent. Instead, governments cynically use them to manipulate public fears and expectations, argues Peter Boyle.

A scare campaign about domestic terrorism is mounting. Paul Gregoire asks if Australia is following the United States in selectively targeting Muslim communities.