
There was no better example of a politicised public service than Mike Pezzullo, its former Home Affairs Secretary, writes Binoy Kampmark.

Our contribution to peace with justice in Palestine is to build an anti-apartheid campaign that is every bit as loud, creative and persistent as the one that existed in the 1980s, says Janet Parker from the newly-formed Jews for a Free Palestine.

Look behind the newly converted whale-loving type and there is likely to be an avid fossil-fuel lobbyist, or someone advocating the merits of nuclear energy, as Binoy Kampmark reports.

The mainstream media together with NSW Labor are on a mission to demonise pro-Palestine protesters. Khaled Ghannam gives an eyewitness report of the protest against ZIM shipping in Port Botany.

Suzanne James speaks with Greens Senator David Shoebridge about war crimes, whistleblowers and weed.

The Progressive Alliance for Palestine is calling on organisations to sign on to show their support of the right of Palestinian people to resist the ongoing dispossession, occupation and oppression by the settler colonial state of Israel.

As reforms to save rivers are being debated in the Senate, First Nations elders are calling for their water rights to be enshrined in law. Tracey Carpenter reports.

Defend whistleblowers, defend democracy - protesters outside the ACT Supreme Court on November 13

Whistleblower David McBride is going to be sentenced in the new year after he was denied the opportunity to appeal and prosecutors argued against further delays. Binoy Kampmark reports.

Since the High Court ruled that indefinite detention is illegal, Labor rushed to introduce new laws specifically for 83 newly released detainees which continue to demonise them. Binoy Kampmark reports.


In a country genuinely engaged in decolonisation, countering colonial narratives would be undertaken by the state, argues Michelle Berkon.

The Reserve Bank claims to be impartial, but the big banks are big winners from the rise in interest rates. Peter Boyle explains.

Jacob Andrewartha argues that the more capitalist leaders try to normalise Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza, the more the movement for Palestine will grow and we all need to help.