
"In the world, the tendency today is to bury Marxism and communism. The equation is simple: the collapse of the European socialist bloc is the end of the ideology and the theory

... and ain't I a woman?

Jill Barad is arguably the world's highest paid woman. According to the April 29 Sydney Morning Herald, despite her company's revenue decline during 1997, Barad's total remuneration package as chief executive officer for that year — inclusive of salary, bonuses, incentive pay and other compensation — was US$26.3 million.

Green Left Weekly's JON LAND spoke to MAX LANE, national secretary of Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor about the latest developments towards self-determination for East Timor.

In the late 20th century, famine is not a consequence of "a shortage of food". On the contrary, famines are a result of a global oversupply of grain staples. Famine has become a world-wide phenomenon.

BHP's annual general meeting on September 26 was disrupted by protests against environmental destruction by the company's Ok Tedi mine in Papua New Guinea.

The federal government's capitulation to the timber industry on the pretext of "protecting jobs" has come under increasing criticism. One respected researcher, Dr Clive Hamilton, argues that protection of the 509 coupes would not

June 1994 marked the 25th anniversary of the riots sparked by police raids on New York's Stonewall Inn. These demonstrations signalled the rise of a radical movement for lesbian and gay liberation. RODNEY CROOME of the Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian


In 1925, there was an international conference on drugs which focused particularly on opium. But it also looked at Cannabis sativa. Egypt was the chief mover in persuading other nations that Cannabis sativa should be banned.

The tradition of marking May Day as an international day of workers' struggle began in Australia as early as 1856 in the effort to win the eight-hour workday.

Friends of the Earth's Kim Stewart spoke to Nnimmo Bassey, a Nigerian activist campaigning against the destructive practices of oil companies.

Spraying HC

"Not since the Romans salted the land after destroying Carthage has a nation taken such pains to visit the war on future generations", wrote Ngo Van Long of the US war against Vietnam. John Tully describes the ongoing ecological catastrophe.

By Ernest Mandel Since the mid-'70s there has been a worldwide offensive of capital against labour and the toiling masses of the third world. This offensive expresses the sharp deterioration of the relationship of forces at the expense of