Loose cannons

April 10, 1991


The Commonwealth Gazette has been advertising for an Administrative Service Officer Class 5 whose duties will be to "develop allegations, information and intelligence on organised immigration malpractice ..."

Protecting life and property

"Fifteen cars, including seven police vehicles, were wrecked or damaged during a high-speed chase through Sydney's western suburbs late last night. Amazingly, no one was injured.". — Telegraph Mirror, March 23.

Needless cruelty

"I don't get any fun out of poking fun at Bob Carr in the House." — NSW Premier Nick Greiner, Australian Magazine, March 23-24.

Silver linings

"I'm sure we'll learn a lot from this." — US official after a new Titan IV booster rocket exploded during its first test firing.

So what's new?

"There is not an issue in the world I give a shit about ... I do deals. My favourite line is 'What's in it for me?'" — one of 18 Arizona (USA) recorded by hidden cameras as they accepted bribes.

Perish the thought!

"Are you sure there are no hidden cameras?" — jest by another of the 18 as he was photographed cramming his US$55,000 bribe into a bag.

Probably will

"I would do it all again. I do not lose any sleep over any decision I have ever made." — Chief inspector John Bourke, head of the NSW police Special Weapons Operation Section, who ordered the raid in which David Gundy was shot dead in his bedroom.

Starting at the top

"Passion is the word that should govern the Labor Party, passion to do things, to give all people a fair go." — Neville Wran at a celebration of the NSW ALP's centenary.

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