Special event: WikiLeaks Party founder speaks about transparency

July 12, 2013

John Shipton, a founder of one Australia's newest political parties, the WikiLeaks Party, will be the keynote speaker at Green Left Weekly's annual dinner in Sydney on July 27.

Pip Hinman, a spokesperson for Green Left Weekly, said: "As the world watches to see if Edward Snowden manages to leave Moscow's airport to claim asylum in Venezuela, or another Latin American country, it is clear that there is widespread alarm at the news he's broken about the extent of the US spying ability.

"People everywhere understandably value their privacy. We are grateful to Ed Snowden for exposing the extent of the US (and Australian support for) these spying operations.

"Similarly, there is widespread concern with governments which act in our name, without our agreement or support, such as to launch wars."

"This is why Julian Assange and the Wikieaks organisation has so much support", Hinman said.

"In these days of growing corporate media concentration, Green Left Weekly is a proudly independent voice.

"We consider ourselves to be a sort of WikiLeaks — a whistle blower committed to speaking truth to power."

[John Shipton will speak at Green Left Weekly's annual dinner on Saturday, July 27 at Balmain Town Hall, 370 Darling St, Balmain. Book tickets here or call Pip Hinman on 0412 139 968.]

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