Poem: Welcome to the gates of liars

March 29, 2007

george bush, the war criminal

says he's only killed


30,000 Iraqis, more or less

he's also killed more than 3000

US soldiers

but that's the price you must pay

for oil-ocracy, unleaded liberty, kerosene coalition

benzene banditry,

30,000 Iraqis more or less

line them up, see how far the queue stretches

men, women, children

walk past shake their hands

look them in the eyes

say hello, have a nice day

as you move from one to another

soon they'll all be dead.

visualise the supersonic howls of holocaust

from the first world rich nations

if it were

30,000 americans

30,000 israelis

30,000 english

30,000 australians

but, it's only

30,000 iraqis

more or less.

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