Gusmao describes challenges facing East Timor

November 15, 2000


SYDNEY — Having won liberation after 25 years of struggle, the East Timorese people's first challenge is to defend their right to freedom, East Timorese leader Xanana Gusmao told 500 people at a "Peace and Justice in East Timor" public meeting here on November 9. Gusmao was delivering the 2000 Sydney Peace Prize lecture.

In his speech, Gusmao emphasised the importance of political freedom in establishing a society which is inclusive of all viewpoints. A society which is compassionate and just, he said, does not need retribution. Rather, what is required is reconciliation. This would require state support for those who suffered most in the struggle: the widows, orphans and Falintil veterans who are unable to support themselves in the new society.

On the question of relations between Australia and East Timor, he said that they must be based, not on ongoing dependency, in which East Timor begs for aid year after year, but equality.

To get involved in East Timor solidarity campaigning , contact Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor, on 9690 1032 or email .

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