Push media — whether you want it or not

September 17, 1997

Very soon every purchaser of a new Windows-based computer will have Rupert Murdoch and Kerry Packer's world view delivered right into their homes without even having to remember to subscribe. It's no fuss, no mess, no choice news on-line.

Every log-on to the internet on these computers will automatically download all the news and opinion big money can buy. All major newspapers will be available on computer "channels".

What joy! No need now to spend hours searching the net for the ideological positions of big business. No need to make your fingers grubby with printer's ink (even if the politics are as dirty ever).

Whether you like it or not, you too can have copious quantities of advertising filling up your computer. You too can clog up your hard disk with every dishonest and inane comment from the multitude of overpaid parliamentarians, business leaders and capitalist commentators. Those people who can't be bothered reading each precious word can get the capitalist "line" in brief by logging on to the Fairfax channel's list of the story headlines from the Herald, Age and Financial Review.

And when you want relief from the troubles of the world, you too can "switch channels" to Wide World of Sport, also available automatically.

This latest development underscores the fact that each day it becomes harder for small, independent news media to survive. Big business is tightening its already vice-like grip on information dissemination and the formation of public opinion.

While the internet has also allowed alternative news sources access to more readers, the sort of deal that Murdoch and Packer have sewn up with a multi-billion dollar company like Microsoft is a tad out of reach for the likes of Green Left Weekly.

We don't suggest that you boycott the capitalist press, but we do suggest that now they are on-line for free, you consider donating the money you would have spent at the newsagent or on home delivery to Green Left Weekly's fighting fund.

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