Gadigal Country/Sydney

The Coalition of Women for Justice and Peace organised a poignant act of solidarity with the people of Palestine and Lebanon at Sydney Town Hall. Jepke Goudsmit reports.

For 21 years, Gail Hickey has been marching for justice for her son TJ, who died after being impaled on a fence while being pursued by two NSW Police vehicles. Zebedee Parkes reports.

Several hundred members of the Electrical Trades Union rallied for decent pay and conditions. Jim McIlroy reports.

Socialist Alliance preselected Rachel Evans to contest the seat of Sydney and a state-wide meeting on February 8 preselected Peter Boyle and Andrew Chuter for the NSW Senate. Jim McIlroy reports.

Shamikh Badra, a member of the international committee of the Palestinian People’s Party and founder of the Gaza Nippers program, spoke with Peter Boyle about resisting US President Donald Trump’s plan to clear Palestinians from their own land.

John Butcher, a long-time campaigner for environmental and social justice, passed away on Invasion Day. Jim McIlroy reports.

Palestinian woman with a megaphone

Palestinians Don’t Need Sidewalks takes us into the streets, dwellings, refugee camps, communities and lives of Palestinians who have suffered under Israeli occupation and gives voice to the global solidarity movement against Israel's genocide. Jepke Goudsmit reviews.

Local residents and housing activists gathered outside boarding houses on Selwyn Street, Paddington, to protest the eviction of 32 older men. Andrew Chuter reports.

A snap protest outside Long Bay Correctional Facility demanded an end to brutality in custody after a First Nations inmate was bashed. Jim McIlroy reports.

Thirty-two mainly older boarding house tenants at 58–64 Selwyn Street, Paddington, are facing eviction after several attempts to stop their homes from being demolished seem to have failed. Rachel Evans and Paula Corvalan report.

Jews Against the Occupation ’48 asked on the 80th year since the liberation of Auschwitz, how much longer until the liberation of Palestine? Jepke Goudsmit reports.

The Chris Minns government has known for at least 16 months about the 140 vacancies in the psychiatry workforce, but rather than rectify this it has gone on the offensive against public health professionals. Jim McIlroy reports.