Issue 1336


The Geelong Women Unionist Network organised a well-supported action against gendered violence and sexual assault. Zita Henderson reports.

Environment Victoria has accused Viva Energy of using a climate accounting trick to significantly underreport emissions from its proposed Geelong gas terminal. Sue Bull reports.

North Coast Environment Council president Jim Morrison has accused Forestry Corporation of New South Wales  of endangering lives and disregarding ecology. Kerry Smith reports.

The Australian Greens leadership pledged support to the Kurdish struggle for freedom, justice and peace at a well-attended function in the Democratic Kurdish Community Centre. Peter Boyle reports.

Pressure on the NT government to close down Don Dale youth detention centre is growing. Stephen W Enciso reports.

Mining giant Glencore wants to expand open-cut coal mining in the Hunter Valley despite objections from the Plains Clan of the Wonnarua People and the New South Wales Heritage Council. Jim McIlroy reports.

The NSW government's third attempt to expand the privatisation of water has been averted. Tracey Carpenter reports.


There is little analysis of the electoral system plays in Australian politics, nor much exploration of alternatives, argues Anne McMenamin. Most of us have no direct voice in government, even though we are told we do — every three or four years.

The catastrophic floods in northern NSW and southern Queensland seems to have taken some MPs by surprise. But, as Alex Bainbridge reports, the IPCC has warned that climate change will increase the likelihood of such catastrophic events.

Russia possesses the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons. The US has only slightly less. This makes the escalating crisis in the Ukraine all the more terrifying, argues Markela Panegyres.

CoPower, a new non-profit energy cooperative, sells electricity to households and small to medium businesses. CoPower co-founder Godfrey Moase talks about the initiative.

Former New South Wales magistrate and Kuku Yalanji elder Pat O’Shane intends to take her trailblazing attitude to government to force much-needed change in the areas of climate, corruption and social justice.

Lifelong activist Harry van Moorst will be remembered for his generosity in helping working-class communities fight bureaucrats, politicians and companies, writes Sue Bolton.

The federal government has declared its intention to designate Hamas a terrorist organisation. Jacob Andrewartha reports.

Socialist Alliance condemns the Russian attack on Ukraine. The war violates international law and is a catastrophe for people in both countries.

Socialist Alliance co-convenor and candidate for Fremantle Sam Wainwright talks about the important issues in the lead-up to the federal election.

Countries are vying for their slice of ice, sometimes citing reasons of scientific collaboration but more often it is about national self-interest. Binoy Kampmark reports.


Russia's invasion of Ukraine has produced hundred of thousands of refugees. It has also revealed the hypocrisy and racism on the part of receiving states, writes Binoy Kampmark.

#StandWithUkraine protest in Hamburg on March 3

Young climate campaigners with Fridays for Future took to the streets on March 3 to stand with the people of Ukraine and call for a world that prioritises peace and freedom from fossil fuels for all, reports Jessica Corbett.

Vladimir Putin cr Pixabay

Russia expert Tony Wood told Green Left Russia’s invasion of Ukraine represents “a turning point” for his regime.

Livestream of the forum on Ukraine with William Briggs and Sam Wainwright.

No war on Ukraine

This war is unjust and criminal on the part of both sides. It is a fight between two anti-popular regimes, argues an unsigned editorial that appeared on the Russian blogsite Rabkor (Worker Correspondent). 

A new coalition of anti-war socialists has formed in Russia. Socialists Against the War Coalition speak out against the war in their manifesto.

Sudanese youth resisting the military's attacks

Elders took to the streets across Sudan in a show of support for the country’s youth, who are the forefront of resisting the military junta, reports Pavan Kulkarni.

Ahmaud Arbery

Malik Miah looks at the significance of the historic guilty verdict in the Ahmaud Arbery hate crime case.

Fridays for Future protest war in Ukraine

The Ukrainian arm of the climate movement Fridays for Future has called for global demonstrations to demand an end to Russia's military assault, reports Andrea Germanos.

Protesting the war

Seven political parties met in Ankara to discuss the creation of a democratic front and released a joint statement on the war in Ukraine, reports Medya News.

Protesting the war in Delhi, India on Feb 26

Socialists in the Asia Pacific are adding their voices to condemn Russia's attack and call for de-escalation and a negotiated solution, reports Susan Price.

Protesting the war in Maastricht on Feb 26

At first glance, nearly all parties and think tanks in Europe that lie to the left of social democracy seemed united in their response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, writes Dick Nichols.

Protesting the war in Vancouver, Canada. Photo: Sima Ghaffarzadeh/Pexels

The Democratic Socialists of America has condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and expressed solidarity with anti-war protesters calling for a diplomatic resolution.

Protesting the war in Washington DC. Photo: @CodePink/Twitter

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine is a violation of that nation’s sovereignty and must be opposed by anti-war forces in the United States, argue Malik Miah and Barry Sheppard.

Biden armaments graphic

US military doctrine is about remaining the pre-eminent military power and ensuring that the world be organised in a way that is most conducive to its security and prosperity, writes William Briggs.


A new exhibition honouring the green bans movement opened in Newcastle on February 25, reports Niko Leka.

February 2022 political albums artwork

Mat Ward looks back at February's political news and the best new music that related to it.