The Dutch government collasped on February 20 as a result of growing popular opposition to Dutch participation in the US-led war in Afghanistan.
The Greek economic crisis has an aspect of ancient tragedy (for the Greek people) mixed with a bad theatrical farce (staged on behalf of the European and the Greek capitalist elites).
It has come to the attention of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) that more than 40% of large businesses — those with a turnover of $250 million — paid no tax from 2005 to 2008.
Greece has been brought to a standstill by a general strike, with key union groups leading up to two million workers in a 24-hour stoppage against the government’s austerity program.
Federal resources minister Martin Ferguson announced on February 23 that he intends to pursue plans for a national radioactive waste repository at Muckaty, 120km north of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory.
In January, Bolivia’s left-wing President Evo Morales began his second term by appointing a new cabinet in which women are equally represented for the first time.
Under the Northern Territory intervention, in the “prescribed areas” the government has taken control of communities, acquired compulsory leases of Aboriginal land and introduced “welfare quarantining” — in which half the income of social security recipients is replaced with a “Basics Card”, which can only be spent at specified shops on specified items.
The article below is the call issued by Bolivian President Evo Morales for the People’s World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth Rights to be held in Cochabama, Bolivia, over April 19-22. A number of Australians are already planning to travel to Bolivia to attend. If you are interested in taking part in the Australian contingent, email weekly.greenleft@gmail.com. For more information on the conference, at which the Bolivian government expects as many as 10,000 people to attend, visit pwccc.wordpress.com or email info@cmpcc.org
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd released a new counter-terrorism white paper on February 23 that dramatically increases the powers of Australia's spy agency ASIO, attacks civil liberties and does nothing to improve the safety of Australian citizens.
Leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean approved on February 23 a regional organisation that will unite their countries, but that will not involve either the United States or Canada.
Tony Abbott (and maybe Paul Sheehan) have a hidden talent There was television footage of Tony Abbott at a shopping centre earlier this week. An angry woman complains about Muslims in Australia. His response is that he understands exactly where
In a February 17 article “Venezuela’s Renegade Aid” in the US Huffington Post, freelance journalist Patrick Adams implied there is something counter-productive about Venezuela’s aid effort in earthquake-ravaged Haiti.