Fifty people marched from Newcastle Trades Hall to state MP Jodi McKay’s office on August 28, protesting against the proposed privatisation of the Wallsend aged care facility. The rally was organised by the NSW Nurses Association. NNA members were joined by members of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union and Maritime Union of Australia Veterans Association.
In April 2008, workplace relations minister Julia Gillard began the process of “award simplification”, asking the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) to compress about 2500 existing state and federal awards into just 120.
As Bolivia heads towards its December 6 national elections, the right-wing opposition has again turned to violence and disinformation to try to halt the process of change led by the country’s first indigenous president, Evo Morales.
The “people's power speaking tour” of two Venezuelan revolutionaries began with a forum in the Geelong Trades Hall on August 31.
Caracas will play host to one of the most important international gatherings of left parties in years, when delegates from across the world meet for the First International Meeting of Left Parties over October 7-9.
On August 21, a new group, “Forcewatch”, was launched to monitor the Queensland Police Service’s contentious “move-on power” laws.
US author, dissident intellectual, and Professor of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Noam Chomsky met with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez for the first time on August 31. Together they analysed hemispheric politics during a nationally televised forum.
Emergency services officers (ESOs) have returned to work at the Hazelwood power station with a clear win after an epic five months in dispute with their employer, contracting firm Diamond Protection.
A 30-strong protest outside the Federal Court in Sydney on August 27 demanded the Rudd Labor government stop its move to compulsorily acquire the Alice Springs town camps.
Local activists scored a resounding victory against over-development on August 31, when the NSW Land and Environment Court ruled against a proposal to build 600 houses in the small coastal village of Catherine Hill Bay, near Newcastle.
On September 2, the steps of the state library, and later Parliament House, were filled with more than 300 protesters for the second time this year. The rally demanded that international and post-graduate students be given the right to hold concession cards for public transport.
In state parliament on September 2, Victoria’s shadow energy minister Robert Clark attacked climate activists planning a protest outside the Hazelwood power station. Clark called on the state government to “act urgently” to protect the Latrobe Valley’s coal-fired power generators from the September 13 “Switch Off Hazelwood” protest.