“Quarry Vision: Coal, Climate Change and the end of the Resources Boom”
By Guy Pearse
Quarterly Essay, Issue 33
Black Inc, 2009
129 pages, $16.95
Blacktown ALP NSW MP Paul Gibson has openly urged Premier Nathan Rees to make public transport free.
Australian property developers are pushing the Indigenous people of Vanuatu, the Ni-Van, off their land.
CAIRNS— Residents of the Indigenous community at Yarrabah held a public meeting on April 22 to discuss the Rudd government’s proposal to scrap the Community Development Employment Program (CDEP) on July 1.
Telstra has once again started to sack staff. The communications union fears up to 2000 workers will be “let go” by mid-year. This makes a total of close to 12,000 job losses over the four years since CEO Sol Trujillo took the helm.
Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent
By Eduardo Galeano
25th anniversary edition, Monthly Review Press, 1997
317 pages, $40 (pb)
Available from
A bulk carrier with the name Ipanema arrived at Port Fremantle, Western Australia, on April 15. The ship carried phosphates from occupied Western Sahara, in violation of international law.
The successful April 18 “Stop the Sell-Offs!” public meeting of the Sydney Power to the People coalition (pictured) gave the campaign against the privatisation of NSW public services a strong boost.
Spinifex Man — The life of the Indigenous theatre and film actor, Trevor Jamieson. ABC, Friday, May 1, 6pm. Guests of the Ayatollah — In the Iran hostage crisis, the military was authorised to rescue the hostages by force. The mission failed
The fifth Summit of the Americas, bringing together all the nations of the Americas except Cuba, occurred in Trinidad and Tobago over April 17-19. In the lead up, a meeting was held in Caracas of the nations that make up the Bolivarian Alternative of the Americas (ALBA — Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Honduras and Dominica).
On April 21, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd finally conceded that “it’s inevitable that Australia … will be dragged into recession”.
The fifth Summit of the Americas was held over April 17-19 in Trinidad and Tobago, bringing together representatives from all countries of the Americas except Cuba.