Four hundred people rallied on January 17 demanding an end to Israel’s massacres in Gaza and calling for the Australian government to cut ties with Israel.
There is a humanitarian crisis in Sri Lanka, where the Tamil minority in the island’s north and east are facing annihilation at the hands of the Sinhalese-dominated government.
Once again, Israel demonstrated that it possesses the power and the lack of moral restraint necessary to commit atrocities against a population of destitute refugees it has caged and starved.
Compelling evidence of the Zimbabwe government’s criminality in the area of health and human rights was released in Johannesburg on January 14 by Physicians for Human Rights in its report, Health in Ruins: A Man-Made Disaster in Zimbabwe.
If Western politicians and media are to be believed, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) is an anti-Semitic, religious fundamentalist, terrorist outfit that forms part of an al-Qaeda (or, alternatively, Iranian) led movement to violently impose Islamic law on the world, and dedicated to the annihilation of Jews.
According to the signatories of the Belem Ecosocialist Declaration, “humanity today faces a stark choice: ecosocialism or barbarism”.
The article below is abridged from a January 21 US Socialist Worker editorial, http://www.socialistworker.org.
The below article is abridged from a January 19 statement from the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, visit http://www.cispes.org.
The demonstrations that rocked Greece at the end of last year resumed on January 9, picking up where they left off before the holidays with a militant march of 20,000 teachers and students in Athens.
The following is a statement released by the socialist youth organisation, Resistance.
Cuba is the top-ranking developing country when it comes to protecting children’s rights, according to a new Child Development Index (CDI).
“American Revolution: The Fall of Wall Street and the Rise of Barack Obama”
By Kate Jennings
Quarterly Essay 32
Black Inc, 2008
132 pages, $15.95