Britain’s most senior military commander in Afghanistan, Brigadier Mark Carleton-Smith, told the British media about the US/NATO occupation of Afghanistan that “We are not going to win this war”.
Many people are understandably frustrated when they try to make sense of the world financial crisis based on what they read in mainstream newspapers.
The Canterbury Bankstown Peace Group (CBPG) is organising a speak-out at Paul Keating Park, Bankstown, on October 18 to demand respect for human rights. Mamdouh Habib, a member of CBPG, is still fighting for the Rudd government to investigate the
The following article is based on a speech Resistance member Kimberly Yu gave to an October 4 rally in Melbourne.
“Meltdown” is a word that one hears a lot on the news these days.
A Students Against the Pulp Mill organiser, Gabby Forward, was a finalist in the "Junior Hero" category of news.com.au's Green Awards. Announcing the winner on September 23, presenter Axle Whitehead described it as "the hardest category to
On September 15, Resistance kicked off our competition to determine who is Australia’s worst environment minister. Resistance members in Melbourne headed down to 50 Lonsdale Street to present Gavin Jennings, Victoria’s environment minister, with the illustrious award of Australia’s Worst Environment Minister.
The next move, presumably, will be to nationalise the country’s gambling debts.
The seventh anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan was marked by a protest calling for the withdrawal of all foreign troops, organised by the Stop the War Coalition (StWC) on October 7. More than 100 people participated. Featured speakers
Trade-offs agreed to by the NSW Public Service Association (PSA) are now coming to light, weeks after the union signed off on a 12% pay rise — 4% a year for three years — on September 17.
There has been intense media speculation on the fate of New South Wales infrastructure plans following the “discovery” of a supposed $20 billion dollar “black hole” in the NSW budget, announced by departing treasurer Michael Costa on September 5.
The statement below was released on October 8 by Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES). The delegation’s report can be downloaded at http://www.cispes.org.