Gilda Chacon is the Asia, Oceania, Africa and Middle East representative of the Cuban Confederation of Trade Unions (CTC) and an elected delegate of the Peoples Power Municipal Assembly.
Green Left Weeklys Annolies Truman interviewed her during her August 17 – 20 visit to Perth to liaise with WA trade unions.
Approximately 10,000 people rallied at Launceston City Park on August 23 in opposition to Gunns proposed pulp mill.
The Public Prosecutors Office No.5 of the city of Valencia,
Control Tribunal 7 of the city of Valencia, State of Carabobo,
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Climate Code Red: The Case for Emergency action
By David Spratt & Philip Sutton
Scribe Publications, 2008
320 pages, $27.95
By David Spratt & Philip Sutton
Scribe Publications, 2008
320 pages, $27.95
When you see the line-up of candidates running for Newcastle council in the September 13 elections, you notice the average demographic is seriously out of whack with that of the region.
We are the creditors! insist a new layer of African social activists, victimised by the ongoing Third World debt crisis but now gathered to fight back.
The owner of Fundimeca, an air conditioning factory in Valencia, Carabobo, is waging an intense campaign of terror and intimidation against the factory’s work force.
The Sri Lankan governments war against the Tamil people is intensifying.
Violent attacks on police officers, roadblocks, civic stoppages enforced by armed fascist youth groups and threats to cut off meat supplies and take over gas fields have all been part of what left-wing Bolivian President Evo Morales has denounced as an attempted “civil coup” by “desperate people” following his August 10 recall referendum victory.
On August 20, activists from the Student Housing Action Collective (SHAC) at Melbourne University occupied four terrace houses in Faraday St, Carlton. The houses are owned by Melbourne University and were used as student counselling offices until 2005.
On August 18, former Guantanamo Bay detainee Mamdouh Habib was fined $400 in the Ryde Local Court for offensive language and behaviour towards police. The ruling will be appealed in the Parramatta District Court on September 11.
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