Fred Fuentes Anna Elliston, a high-school activist from Hobart, believes that John Howard's IR laws should never have been allowed to pass. Given that they have, she reckons the politicians shouldn't underestimate students' and young workers'
Jon Lamb Fearing renewed violence, tens of thousands of East Timorese have fled Dili to outlying villages and districts. The situation remains extremely tense in the capital following the police crackdown on an angry demonstration of former
On May four, hundreds of members of Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) marched through central Bulawayo to government offices at Mhlanhlandlela, demanding that crippling school fee increases of up to 1000% be reversed. The marchers sang as they
Rachel Evans At its meeting on April 30, the ALP-led national executive of the National Union of Students (NUS) voted against organising a national day of protest in August against the Howard government's "voluntary student unionism" (VSU)
In March, the immigration department granted temporary protection visas to 42 West Papuans, some of them independence activists, fleeing from persecution by the Indonesian state. The Indonesian government stated its strong disapproval and the
Duncan Meerding, Hobart On April 25, the Beaconsfield goldmine in northern Tasmania had a significant rock fall due to seismic activity measuring 2.1 on the Richter scale. The rock fall led to the death of miner Larry Knight, 45, and the of
Lee Wengraf, New York As many as 300,000 protesters jammed the streets of Manhattan on April 29 for the first major anti-war demonstration in New York City in close to two years. The protest was organised by the national anti-war coalition United
The Chaser's War on Everything — Lampoons the world of politics, business, religion, media and culture. ABC, Friday, May 12, 10.05pm. Crunching the Numbers — Follows a woman struggling with the tough economic realities of health care in
MELBOURNE — On April 20, 80 students from universities across the city marched to Parliament House to protest against the fact that Victoria is the only Australian state in which international, postgraduate and part-time students have to pay full
Sue Bolton, Brisbane There were big turnouts for May Day marches across Queensland on May 1. Brisbane's march of 35,000 was much bigger than the usual May day turnout of 10,000. The Builders Labourers Federation had a 2000-strong contingent, and
Zane Alcorn, Newcastle Plenty of young workers don't know much about unions, and there's a trend among people my age — in their early 20s — to see unions as pretty pointless. As one friend of mine, who works part-time at K-mart said, "You pay
SYDNEY — Promoting a petition to have the United Nations reword the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to substitute "all women and men" with "all people", Kate Walker, the transgender support worker with the Women's and Girls' Emergency Centre