John Tognolini On May 10, 1989 the Cockatoo Island Dockyard shop committee, representing 13 unions, announced the occupation of the island in response to a decision by the Hawke Labor government to sell off the site. The dispute would last for 14
Sarah Stephen Virginia Leong was subjected to horrifying punishment for her protest on July 14 against the prospect of forced removal from Sydney's Villawood detention centre to the Baxter detention centre in the South Australian desert. Leong,
Bushwhacked: Life in George. W. Bush's AmericaBy Molly Ivins & Lou DuboseAllison and Busby & Wakefield Press, 2004$22.95(pb) REVIEW BY ALEX MILLER In a well-known passage of the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels comment on how
Michael McDonald, Brisbane On August 3, a public meeting at City Hall on the theme "Australia at the Crossroads" was attended by 800 people. The meeting called for "Howard out", but also for any new government to govern in the interests of all
Monopoly capitalism at work "California Attorney General Bill Lockyer today announced the distribution of [US]$407,454 in refund checks to 701 California cancer patients who overpaid for the Bristol-Myers Squibb (Bristol) drug Taxol... The Taxol
Norman Brewer, Berlin There is talk of an upcoming heisser herbst (hot autumn) in Germany at the moment. Already, Montagsdemonstrationen (Monday demonstrations) have resumed in East Germany. The tradition goes back to 1989, when mass protests
Peter Boyle Bernie Banton, 57-year-old acting president of the Asbestos Diseases Foundation of Australia (ADFA), worked for Bradford Insulation, a subsidiary of James Hardie in Camelia between 1968 and 1974. He was diagnosed with asbestosis in 1999
BY BUSTER SOUTHERLY The Rio Rancho Public School District in New Mexico has settled the federal lawsuit brought against it on behalf of Bill Nevins, the Green Left Weekly writer and poetry teacher fired by the district in 2003. A settlement in
"I never imagined that I would stand in an election, but given the Iraq war of lies, and the torture and massacres committed in our name I feel that we all must take a stand." Annolies was a co-founder of the Hills No War Alliance at the beginning
Amanda Zivcic, Wollongong Wollongong Resistance and Illawarra Socialist Alliance have embarked on a joint campaign to lower the voting age to 16. Raffaele Fantasia, a year-11 student at Edmund Rice College, told Green Left Weekly: "Young people
Claudia Jardim and Jonah Gindin spoke to veteran political activist and author Tariq Ali, during his recent trip to Caracas, about Venezuela and Latin American resistance to US neoliberalism. How do you explain the explosion in social movements
Doug Cameron, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union national secretary: "It is quite clear we will not be in a position to put substantial financial or physical resources behind the [Labor] Party as a whole, because the parliamentary caucus has