When the US government, with its British and Australian allies, launched its invasion for Iraq's huge oil resources in March 2003, they claimed it was necessary to stop the Saddam Hussein regime handing over "weapons of mass destruction" to Saudi
Peter Boyle A little while back, Green Left Weekly received an email along these lines: "One question. Will the Left be as outraged by the Paul Johnson beheading pictures yesterday, as [they were by] naked Iraqi prisoners? Put it into perspective
ZIMBABWE: 78 women arrested at rally An attempt to protest on World Refugee Day in Bulawayo was met by fierce repression on June 19 as participants and bystanders were arrested for "holding an illegal gathering". Women of Zimbabwe Arise (Woza) said
The Socialist Alliance is running in every state and territory in the upcoming federal election. So if you want to vote for a people's representative, who will put working people and the environment before profit, check out who is standing in your
Sue Bolton On June 21, the Democrats agreed to a federal Coalition government initiative to step up attacks on unionists in the building industry. The Democrats agreed to support government legislation that would: * Increase the powers of the
Alison Dellit In the first week of June, the German cabinet decided to equip the army with "riot control agents" when abroad. Article 1 of the Chemical Weapons Convention explicitly prohibits the use of "riot control agents as a method of warfare".
Karen Fredericks, Melbourne A mass meeting of 150 La Trobe University staff gathered on June 24, at two days' notice, to condemn a paltry enterprise bargaining offer from the university, contingent on increased student fees and the Coalition
Robyn Waite, Dili The Asia Pacific Coalition for East Timor (APCET) is a coalition of Asian human rights groups and East Timor solidarity networks that was founded at a conference in Manila in 1994 with the aim of galvanising solidarity with East
A carpenter by trade, Tim is a shop steward for the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union and also the assistant secretary of the Geelong Trades Hall Council. Tim has a long experience of union struggle. He worked in the public service
Justin Tutty, Darwin The latest instalment in the rapid industrialisation of Darwin is the proposal for a coastal industrial estate at Glyde Point, on the Gunn Point Peninsula — the eastern-most arm of Darwin Harbour. The proposal is vast by
Afghan refugee and Free the Refugees Campaign activist Riz Wakil spoke to a 3000-strong rally in Sydney on June 20, World Refugee Day. The following is an abridged version of his speech. This year, the refugee-rights movement in this country has
Doug Lorimer On June 22, for the second time in three days, US F16 warplanes fired missiles into Fallujah, a Sunni Muslim holy city of 250,000 residents located 50 kilometres west of Baghdad, that had been freed from the presence of US occupation