1, Pacific Coal, Blair Athol, Errol Hodder, Hail Creek, Tony Maher "> Rio Tinto workers reinstated after five years BY ALISON DELLIT Five years and four days after their unfair dismissal, 16 Queensland miners have finally been granted the
BY LOUIS PROYECT African-American jazz legend Benny Carter died on July 12, at the age of 95. Two days later, Afro-Cuban musician Compay Segundo, of Buena Vista Social Club fame, died — he too was 95. They both remained active musically into
BY PHILIP FERGUSON CHRISTCHURCH — New Zealand's Labour government has rushed through new immigration restrictions. The Immigration Amendment Bill and Immigration Amendment Bill (No. 2) were introduced into parliament on the evening of July 1
Dependant heroin users (NSW): more than 50,000 Opiate (eg, heroin) overdose deaths: Australia-wide in 1992: 327 (aged 15-44). Australia-wide in 1998: 700+ (aged 15-44) Percentage of drug users with hep C:50-70% Cost of drug consumption,
Victorian Premier Steve Bracks' Labor government is putting pressure on non-governmental community services organisations to make "productivity savings" in order to enable annual cuts to the Department of Human Services (DHS) budget over the next
BY SAM WAINWRIGHT PERTH — In the June Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) election, two of the three positions in the Western Australian branch were won by the Rank and File ticket, which called for a return to democratic and militant unionism.
BY STEPHEN GARVEY MELBOURNE — On July 22, hundreds of workers at ACI workplaces across the country stopped work in response to the lockout of 77 ACI Mould Manufacturing workers in Box Hill. The purpose of the stoppage was to support the
BY NICK EVERETT SYDNEY — A rally to save Medicare was held outside NSW Parliament House on July 22, where a Senate committee was commencing its hearings on the federal government's changes to Medicare. Around 150 people attended. Organised by
BY DALE MILLS SYDNEY — The final report on the medically supervised injecting centre in the red-light district of Kings Cross has approved its continuation. It was the English-speaking world's first state-approved illegal-drug injecting centre.
BY MELANIE SJOBERG SYDNEY — NSW Premier Bob Carr's Labor government calls its plan to cut 1000 jobs in the Department of Education and Training (DET) "lifelong and learning". However, public education needs more, not less, jobs. Students need
BY JOHN NEBAUER& BRONWEN BEECHEY ADELAIDE — More than 150 bus drivers went on strike here on July 25 and 600 on July 28. Their actions follow strikes earlier this month. Another strike is planned for August 4, with the the prospect of further
Zionism and Palestine The views outlined by Kimberley James Roachelle (Write On, Green Left Weekly #544) are a very clear-cut case of ignoring those aspects of Zionist history and its dispossession of the Palestinians that conflict with her