Final frontier "Several big Japanese builders have set up divisions for moon-based-construction research. Shimizu Construction Corp, for instance, has been studying plans for lunar tennis courts and golf courses." — Wall Street Journal, May 24.
BY SARAH STEPHEN The government is responsible for “institutional child abuse”, according to a May report by two Melbourne organisations — the Catholic Commission for Justice Development and Peace (CCJDP) and the Western Young People's
 June 23 has been chosen as a national day of action for refugees, a protest against the Australian government's inhumane policy of mandatory detention [of asylum seekers]. We demand that the detention camps be closed, and that refugees be
BY PIP HINMAN Centacare, a religious welfare group which met with the United Nations teams inspecting South Australia's Woomera detention centre on May 30, said the teams were shocked at what they saw. Dale West from Centacare told the ABC that
REVIEW BY IGGY KIM Spinning Into ButterWritten by Rebecca GilmanDirected by Adam CookEnsemble Theatre, SydneyMay 17-June 29 US playwright Rebecca Gilman's feted work, Spinning Into Butter, is an unabashed self-examination of racial prejudice in
BY JOE CRAIG DUBLIN — In late March, Sinn Fein launched its campaign for the May 17 Irish general election with a rally in Dublin's Gresham Hotel, at the same time as the Irish Labour Party was holding its conference. While Sinn Fein was keen
[MELBOURNE — On May 11, the Socialist Alliance sponsored a trade union seminar, discussing, among other things, unions and political representation. This question of relating to political parties, and specifically the ALP, has been an increasing
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. Includes the Green Left News. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Sunday, 9pm. Phone 9565 5522. Visit
A few months ago a group of friends at Fort Street High School were painting a banner and talking, they decided to convince their fellow students of the injustice of government policy towards refugees and to mobilise them to change it. Year 12
[On May 31, Greens Senator Bob Brown told ABC radio that he would consider helping the government to sell the remaining third of Telstra if the government was prepared to end old growth logging. Later that day, a press statement from Brown's
BY ELIZABETH SCHULTE Maybe there is a god. Five years ago, the Fox network introduced Ally McBeal — a show focused on the wacky antics of the self-absorbed Harvard law graduate and her coworkers at a high-powered Boston law firm. TV audiences
Sorry Day BRISBANE — Around 2000 people walked across the Goodwill Bridge to a festival in Musgrave Park to mark National Sorry Day 2002 on May 26, condemning past governments’ forcible removal of Indigenous children from their