BY PIP HINMAN SYDNEY — "We have no relationship with Indonesia anymore. We have to find our own way", was how Erwanto, a visiting Acehnese democracy leader summed up his people's determination to win their independence. Speaking at a meeting
The New Intifada: Resisting Israel's Apartheid Edited by Roane Carey Verso, 2001 354 pages, US$20 Order at <http://www.versobooks.com/> REVIEW BY ERIC RUDER Most stories about Israel's war on the occupied territories refer to
BY PAUL OBOOHOV CANBERRA — The May Day meeting of the ACT Trades and Labour Council/Unions ACT (ACT TLC) debated motions on Palestine, in the presence of Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) national secretary Sharan Burrow. ACT TLC
In Italy, one man with wealth valued at over $25 billion has major influence over 90% of all television stations. He also owns newspapers, magazines and video outlets. Now, he is running a campaign to strip away the rights of Italian workers. This
BY EVA CHENG Hard on the heels of the US House of Representatives' May 2 approval of a bill containing a mammoth US$249 billion, six-year package of farm subsidies, the US Senate endorsed the legislation on May 8. US President George Bush has given
BY MELANIE SJOBERG& JOHN MCGILL Connie Frazer died, aged 76, on May 6 after a struggle with breast cancer. She was a poet, a feminist and a member of the Democratic Socialist Party. Connie's presence will be missed from the Adelaide political
BY CHRISTINA SACCO WOLLONGONG — On May 3, the Land and Environment Court gave Stocklands Construction permission to restart its development of Sandon Point. The development, which had been halted by a court injunction, now looks set to go
BY CHRIS SLEE MELBOURNE — On May 6, Anne Duggan, the Victorian training officer of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU), was ordered by Commissioner Terence Cole to give the royal commission into the building industry the
The Indonesian National Front for Labour Struggles (FNPBI), the militant trade union federation, organised mass actions across the country on May 1. Pro-democracy groups joined the workers' rallies. The workers' demands included legalising
and ain't I a woman: US 'aid' used to deny right to choose What does the United States government have to do with deciding whether women in Nepal can access safe abortion services? Well, everything. Even though the sovereign state of Nepal
Manufacturing Workers Union, firefighters, maritime unions, Graham Matthews, Communist Party of Australia, the Socialist Alliance, Treasury Gardens, Nikki Ulasowski, Unions WA, Fremantle, peace and justice, Wollongong's May Day march, Jim Tannoch,
BY ALISON DELLIT On May 8, the Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee delivered its report on the package of "anti-terrorist" legislation currently before the Senate. The committee proposed a series of amendments to the legislation