The first full bench hearing of the Yallourn power workers' arbitration case begins in Melbourne on February 5 at 11.30am. The workers are asking for as many people as possible to come and fill the arbitration court. We must keep the
BY ROBERTO JORQUERA PERTH — The Deaths in Custody Watch Committee launched its prisoner rights campaign at a public meeting attended by 100 people here on January 24. "The time is long overdue for a broad-ranging and concerted community
BY GRANT COLEMAN PERTH — The campaign to save Western Australia's old-growth forests has become a major issue in the February 10 state election campaign. On January 23, the ALP released its "controversial" policy which pledges to stop old-growth
BY MAX LANE On January 23, Budiman Sujatmiko, chairperson of the People's Democratic Party (PRD) led a delegation to meet the leadership of the Nahdatul Ulama (NU), the religious organisation which Abdurrahman Wahid led before his election as
BY JIM McILROY BRISBANE — The Democratic Socialists have announced they will be running two candidates in the February 17 Queensland state elections, on a platform of "End corruption — Support socialism". The two Democratic Socialist
Editorial: Close the detention centres! Philip Ruddock, the federal minister for racism, has argued that last week's protests by asylum seekers at the Port Hedland detention facility were caused by a small group of “troublemakers” who were
ROCKHAMPTON — The conservation movement lost one of its dearest friends and most valuable members when Ann O'Brien lost her battle with a brain tumour and passed away peacefully on December 12. Ann was a dynamo in all she did. An Englishwoman we
BY BEN COLLINS MELBOURNE — Protesters staged a sit-in on the roof of the Maribyrnong detention centre here on January 24 to protest the appalling conditions in the centre and the policy of detaining asylum seekers. Seven protesters climbed onto
BY ZANNY BEGG SYDNEY — Over 100 unionists, students and political activists packed into the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre here on January 25 for the second meeting of M1 Sydney. Although a large and politically diverse crowd, by the end of the
Diplomacy “Once that clear political objective is established — such as kick the government of Panama totally; not just kick the army out, but get rid of an entire government — that's what we did in 1989 on 12 hours' notice, with
BY EWAN SAUNDERS BRISBANE — On January 25, two Green Left Weekly distributors staffing a campaign stall in the Queen Street Mall were accosted by police and a Brisbane City Council employee and threatened with arrest if they did not move on. The
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Sunday, 9-11pm. Ph 9565 5522. Access News — Melbourne community TV,