Organic farming — often considered an insignificant part of the food supply — can feed an entire country, concludes a report by the Oakland-based Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First (<http://www.foodfirst.org>), a group
BY ROBERTO JORQUERA PERTH — The campaign here against corporate tyranny has taken a new turn with the organising of a Globalisation Convention for November. The convention was initiated by the local Stop MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investment)
The chemical company Monsanto has existed for just short of 100 years. Fraud and deceit have been associated with it for much of that time. This is a short history. The production of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) began in the 1930s. They were
The Cuban Revolution and Its LeadershipBy Doug LorimerResistance Books, 200062 pp., $5.95. REVIEW BY ALLEN MYERS The movement that is fighting against the program of the major multinationals known as "globalisation" do not have many allies among
BY REBECCA MECKELBURG ADELAIDE — An Adelaide University student was banned from entering sections of the university on August 31 by student election returning officer Ian Cannon, who is also chief executive officer of the student union. Cannon
It might sound flippant, but it isn't. The movement that is fighting against neo-liberal globalisation in its various aspects needs to consider the question: how will we know if we win? Or, to put the same question another way: what would victory
Mark Stoyich doesn't show much imagination in his review of The White Devil (GLW #418). Webster's play deals with the social and political issues of the Renaissance. He can hardly be blamed for not dealing with those of the twentieth century. The
Last week, US secretary of state Madeline Albright let loose with a hypocritical blast at Cuba for supposedly having denied exit visas to 117 (yet to be identified) Cubans who wanted to leave the island and had United States visas. The US State
SYDNEY — The following statement is being circulated by anti-racism activists for endorsement by individuals and organisations around Australia. Those gathering for the assembly on September 15 at the Tent Embassy Peace Keeping Camp,
BY SEAN HEALY& MELANIE SJOBERG MELBOURNE — Victorian Trades Hall Council has confirmed that its labour rights rally, scheduled for September 12, the second day of protests against the World Economic Forum, will march to the WEF's Crown Casino
Misinformation on S11 leaked A briefing paper on the planned S11 protests, prepared by one of the world's largest public relations firms, Hill and Knowlton, has been leaked to Melbourne Independent Media Centre. The paper, marked "Highly
Since the island nation of Cuba experienced its successful revolution in 1959 its prison system has been evolving. Despite accusations of harsh human rights abuses from its neighbours to the north, Cuba today maintains a prison system that is in many