Emergency call centre cuts By Bill Mason BRISBANE — Telstra has been widely criticised over moves to close its 000 emergency call centre at Ipswich and divert all crisis calls to Sydney and Melbourne. The closure, planned for April, will cost
The world produces enough grain to provide every human being on the planet with 3500 calories a day, according to a new book by the Institute for Food and Development Policy (also known as Food First). This estimate does not take into account many
Hunger strikes for democracy in China By Eva Cheng Beijing has shifted its repressive machine into higher gear since late November, arresting and interrogating some 30 pro-democracy activists, and sentencing three to jail terms of 11 to 13 years.
Workers as history makers Under the Hook: Melbourne Waterside Workers Remember: 1900-1998By Wendy Lowenstein and Tom HillsEnlarged and updated, 1998To order, send $30 to Wendy Lowenstein, PO Box 1033, Hawksburn Vic 3142. Review by Mark Gregory
Activists create 'JAILS' By Jim Green In 1998, about 500 people were arrested at the Jabiluka uranium mine blockade in the Northern Territory. Many are to face court in coming months. JAILS (Jabiluka Arrestees Information and Legal Support) has
By Norm Dixon President Bill Clinton on December 16 launched the United States' latest bombardment of the Iraqi people. Disregarding overwhelming worldwide opposition, Washington and London launched a massive four-night air attack that killed at
Living famously By Wendy Robertson 1998 will go down as Resistance's year of living famously. Thanks to the near saturation media coverage our actions and politics have received, Resistance has become recognised across Australia. Year 12 politics
Not very smart By Brandon Astor Jones "Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them." — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1943) I have just watched a film
WELLINGTON — New Zealand Prime Minister Jenny Shipley has indicated that the law will be changed to allow the Security Intelligence Service to break and enter people's houses. The moves came in early December after the NZ Court of Appeal ruled
By Sean Healy Due to the increase in the number of people wanting to join Resistance and keep in contact with our campaigns, Resistance has changed its membership structure. It still costs $5 to join Resistance ($3 for high school students), but
ERA denies Jabiluka postponement rumours By Justin Randell Rumours that the Jabiluka mine has been postponed have been denied by Energy Resources of Australia. The rumours originated from a press conference for resource journalists in which ERA
Resistance magazine spoke to Maurice Sibelle, coordinator of the Victorian TAFE Students and Apprentices Network (VTSAN), about how TAFE students plan to campaign against voluntary student unionism legislation (VSU). Question: What has been the