APEC '99: trading in hype
ON JULY 13, the Aotearoa/New Zealand APEC Monitoring Group announced details of its campaign against the NZ government for hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings in 1999 and to educate New Zealanders
Native title: a sell-out of land rights
Wiradjuri woman JENNY MUNRO, chair of the Metropolitan Local Land Council, spoke to the Network of Women Students of Australia conference at the University of Western Sydney on June 30 — the day that
By James Balowski
According to the leaders of the People's Democratic Party (PRD) in Indonesia, two PRD prisoners, Coen Pontoh and Mohammad Sholeh, were released on July 25. Along with Dita Sari, chairperson of the independent trade union, the
The following were some of the main on-camera "experts" in Against Nature:
Professor Wilfred Beckerman, identified as "a former member of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution" (in 1970-73).
Nowhere was it indicated that
Washington interferes in Cambodia's election
By Helen Jarvis
The Cambodian election campaign concluded on July 24; voting is to be held on Sunday, July 26. The Joint International Observer Group of government representatives — including
Poisoning Kakadu
By Grusha
If its gets to mine uranium at Jabiluka, Energy Resources of Australia plans to leave 10,770,000 cubic metres — that's 100m X 100m X 1km — of radioactive waste (tailings), and more than that again in non-radioactive
In the last issue of GLW, an editing error in "Ireland: peace agreement in flames" resulted in the Catholic population of Portadown being stated as 600, rather than 6000.
A short story by Craig Cormick
Port Phillip — 1842
"You sorry fellows", says George Augustus Robinson, staring down at the empty graves. Waiting patiently for the bodies to arrive. He is glad he has not attended the hanging. He has seen too
By Renfrey Clarke
MOSCOW — According to Kemerovo province governor Aman Tuleyev in a broadcast on July 14, everyone in the city of Yurga condemned the local workers who were blocking the tracks of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Furthermore, Tuleyev
A campaign for all left activists
MELBOURNE — MAURICE SIBELLE, Victorian TAFE Students and Apprentices Network coordinator, will be the Democratic Socialist candidate for the state seat of Northcote in a by-election on August 15. Green Left
Pesticides may impair children's brain function
Dramatic deficits in brain function are seen in rural children with long-term exposure to pesticides compared with children not similarly exposed, according to a recent study in the US publication
By Alex Bainbridge
HOBART — The Democratic Socialists will stand Jenny Forward and Mathew Munro as candidates in the seat of Denison in the coming state election. They are running on the slogan of building a "real opposition" to economic
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