Anyone else? "The steep rise in unemployment, while not unexpected, was a bitter blow to the Federal Government." — Sydney Morning Herald, October 11. Except myself "I won't serve a person who can't keep their word." — Paul Keating on Bob
Cuba solidarity conference By Pip Hinman MELBOURNE — A national conference to discuss solidarity with Cuba is being planned here for Sunday November 3. Australia-Cuba Friendship Society spokesperson Dave Deutschmann told Green Left Weekly
By Pip Hinman Despite a heavy army presence and curfew, supporters of ousted Haitian President Jean Bertrand Aristide are still campaigning for his return and have set up barricades around the shanty towns surrounding the capital Port-au-Prince.
Uncontrolled population Riots in Zaire and the Northern U.K., turmoil in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, civil war in Sri Lanka and many other countries, famine in Albania and in much of Africa and mindless bloodshed in South Africa and
Bob Hawke's pledge that by 1990 no child in Australia would live in poverty is little more than a forgotten sick joke. This has not prevented the federal government from undertaking new pledges to improve the lot of children. But, CRAIG CORMICK
By Angela Matheson PARIS — At the hub of the underground railway, the Metro, a student chamber orchestra from the nearby ecole earns money for course fees by playing Stravinksy. Close by a middle-aged man sits with a tin, requesting coins from
By Doug Lorimer After decades of denouncing those in the peace movement who argued that unilateral nuclear disarmament moves by the Western powers would do more to reverse the arms race than lengthy arms control negotiations, the US government
By Peter Boyle MELBOURNE — One never knows what to expect in the city these days. The other day I saw a young woman running through the lunchtime crowd, shouting: "Give me a dollar! Somebody give me a dollar, or I'll sing!" As she weaved her way
Defending the National Tuckshop By Michael Cathcart McPhee Gribble/Penguin. $14.99 pb Reviewed by Bob Scates Appropriately I finished reading Defending the National Tuckshop at the Wedderburn swimming pool in north-west Victoria; Cathcart's
By Tracy Sorensen SYDNEY — The Latin American Unity (ULAT) group here has launched a campaign against the Spanish government's celebrations to mark the "discovery" of the Americas by Christopher Columbus almost 500 years ago. Like the
Uncle Moses Directed by Sydney M. Goldin and Aubrey Scotto, 1932 Avanti Populo Directed by Rafi Bukaee, 1986 Cup Final Directed by Eran Riklis, 1991 Showing at the Festival of Jewish Film Academy Twin and Walker Cinemas, October 5-19 Reviewed
Increasing attacks on foreigners By Bryan R. Thomas BONN — A recent study conducted from Leipzig by Professor Walter Friedrich show that intolerance towards foreigners is not just a new phenomenon in the former German Democratic Republic.