By Frank Noakes PERTH — What have unionism, opera, internationalism and local government in common? Answer: Australian Railways Union (WA) assistant state secretary Tony Costa. Tony is a colourful character, always ready with a witty quip or
By Pete Malatesta Kuepper's gig at Sydney's Annandale hotel on August 2 was an eagerly awaited show. The hotel filled early giving, the support act a good audience. Juliet Ward played acoustic guitar and sang, accompanied by the plaintive guitar
By Susannah Begg The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), being held in Brazil in June, is expected to draw more than 20,000 people who will either participate in the official conference or in the plethora of related
By Susan Mackie SYDNEY — Tahir Hussan comes from the Darfour area of western Sudan. A rich cattle growing area on the banks of the Nile it is the home to the delicious cuisine served at his new cafe, Taste of the Nile, just off Oxford Street at
Young Soviet protesters jailed Two young Moscow anarchists have been imprisoned awaiting trial for three months, and may face prison sentences of up to seven years after being arrested at a demonstration near the offices of the KGB on March 12.
The litigious foetus There is a scene in the Bob Fosse film Cabaret in which the heroine (played by Lisa Minelli), learning that she is pregnant, celebrates by drinking glass after glass of champagne with her lover. "To us, and to the baby!", she
International protesters jailed By Philip Smith BRISBANE — Nancy Rolfe from Perth is among six international protesters serving 70-day jail sentences in Sarawak following anti-logging protests in early July. The convictions were the first in
By Norm Dixon The African National Congress has expressed shock at the revelations that Australian media mogul Kerry Packer donated large sums of money to Chief Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi's Inkatha organisation. Spokesperson Gill Marcus described
By Dean Geoffrey Tribespeople in the mountainous rainforests of Sarawak have been battling logging companies with a network of blockades for four years. Australian and other international activists recently participated in the protests, and
Residents fight sewage plan By Bill Mason BRISBANE — Gold Coast residents rallied at Southport on August 4 against a decision by the Gold Coast City and Albert Shire councils to pump 60 million litres of treated sewage effluent off the
By Sally Low LONDON — Standing on a creaking escalator descending into King's Cross Tube Station, next to the one that had stopped working altogether, I fought back a feeling of panic. It wasn't just the thought of the terrible fire some years
By Peter Annear PRAGUE — There is little chance the temporary cease-fire, negotiated on August 6 by the Yugoslav federal presidency to stop fighting in Serb-dominated areas of Croatia, will hold. The low-level civil war is being used to give