Chemical weapons in Chechnya? Reports on the Internet on August 9 said that UN-sponsored humanitarian aid workers have discovered evidence suggesting that chemical weapons, possibly chlorine gas, were used during the Chechen conflict.
Women and peace For the Love of Peace: Women and Global Peace Building By Kaye Murray Women's International League for Peace and Freedom: 1995. 150 pp. Reviewed by Connie Frazer. For anyone curious about WILPF
Health workers endorse pay claim By Kim Linden MELBOURNE — Around 2000 members of the Health Services Union of Australia (HSUA) voted on August 17 to endorse an 8% pay claim which allows a possible further 3% to be claimed
By Vivienne Porzsolt Why has Helen Garner's book, The First Stone, been so applauded by so many with so few feminist credentials? Why was the right-wing Sydney Institute so eager to give her a platform? Why has the debate been shifted from
By David Hayward There is a real scandal brewing in Victoria, but you won't hear about it in the major media outlets. It involves the Kennett government and the state's finances. This scandal has touched the lives of all
By Eva Cheng Unemployment in China has exploded in recent years, with 170 million people, or 28% of its work force, estimated to be out of jobs. Since the 1949 revolution, the government has accepted the responsibility to provide jobs and
The stuff that dreams are made of Movie Dreams By Rosie Scott University of Queensland Press, 1995. 152pp Reviewed by Alex Bainbridge Movie Dreams is the story of Adan Loney, a young person who finds the world a
By Nikki Ulasowski and Alana Kerr Another backlash ideology being given plenty of play in the media and explicitly presented by Helen Garner in her book The First Stone concerns a supposed generation gap between feminists.
Stop Chinese nuclear tests The testing of a nuclear bomb by the Chinese government on August 17 is a stupid and reactionary step, one which is dangerous to the people of China and of the whole world. While aggressive imperialist
Ferguson installed amid ALP factional deals By Dave Mizon MELBOURNE — The factional brawls over the ALP national executive's decision to install ACTU president Martin Ferguson in the federal seat of Batman have highlighted,
Cocktail and exhibition night ADELAIDE — Resistance and the Democratic Socialist Party held a very successful cocktail and exhibition night on August 12 to raise funds for Green Left Weekly. Featured were the work of Jim Cane,
Victorian police shootings By Sean Lennon MELBOURNE — A coroner's inquest into the 1988 shooting of Graeme Jensen concluded on August 11 with the release of a report which found that the police operation was incompetently