CJC slams Pinkenba Six By Mick White BRISBANE — The Criminal Justice Commission has called for the sacking of a senior police officer over the "Pinkenba Six" incident, in which six police were charged over the abduction of three
The Simpsons Channel 10, Wednesdays Reviewed by Dave Riley Confronted with The Simpsons, Walt Disney would turn in his grave. If Uncle Walt's subterranean crypt had access to network television, maybe he would (finally) feel remorse for what
By Chris White and Kamala Emanuel One important fact which has not had much prominence in the woodchipping debate is that growing hemp could be a viable alternative to the woodchipping industry and would create more jobs. Philip Bamback from
Stoppages planned against SA education cuts By Adam Hanieh ADELAIDE — The South Australian Institute of Teachers is planning a series of rolling stoppages on March 14, 16, 21 and 23. The demands are prevention of further cuts to
Unions see MIM confrontation By Bill Mason BRISBANE — Unions at strife-torn Mount Isa are predicting a major industrial confrontation following the March 10 appointment of Comalco Ltd's Nick Stump to head giant Queensland mining company
Jess Hawk Oakenstar features at Sydney CD By Jen Cruthers At Sydney's first Cultural Dissent for 1995, on February 26, several entertaining women performers played to a lively and appreciative audience. The women's performance night
By Janet Parker In the face of flagging support for the Labor Party — both state and federal — the federal minister for transport, Laurie Brereton, has announced a budget plan to "fast-track" construction of Sydney's second airport at
Once Were Warriors By Alan Duff University of Queensland Press, 1994. 198 pp., $15.95 (pb) Reviewed by Peter Riedlinger It was with some misgivings that I bought a copy of Alan Duff's novel. I'd read an interview he'd given and heard him
More action on racetrack By Jeremy Smith MELBOURNE — Seven hundred people braved the heat on March 4 to protest against construction of the Grand Prix racetrack at Albert Park. A fortnight earlier, 1000 protesters had stopped work on the
By Boris Kagarlitsky MOSCOW — Unable to defeat the Chechen fighters, Russian generals have launched a new battle. This time the goal is to force the repeal of a law that allows male students to defer their military service. Complaining of a
By Pip Hinman With the March 25 NSW election looming, an important opportunity exists to increase the pressure on both major parties to stop the destruction of our old growth forests. However, given that the woodchipping debate will continue
DENIS DOHERTY, the social justice independent candidate for Port Jackson, is being supported by a variety of groups and independent activists. Doherty, who has taught Aboriginal children in Alice Springs and in schools in Queensland, the Northern