Active Employment Strategy Magenta Deluxe writes (No. 14) to question Peter Chiltern's assessment of the Active Employment Strategy (No.11) and defend the "spirit" behind the AES in providing training to unemployed people. Were this indeed the
Editorial: 'New World Order' in Lebanon In its 13th attack on southern Lebanon this year, Israel began three consecutive days of bombing raids on villages and Palestinian camps on June 3, leaving dozens, including civilians, dead or wounded. The
By Norm Dixon Riot police on May 31 opened fire on striking gold miners picketing the remote Porgera gold mine in PNG's Enga province. Seven miners were wounded by shotgun pellets. The potentially deadly incident was covered up by the
Strike will continue, say miners By Norm Dixon Fiji Mine Workers Union general secretary Kanekini Navuso has vowed that the Emperor gold mine strike will continue despite the government's anti-strike decree. He told the press: "This decree is
ACT UP protest PERTH Perth — ACT UP descended on the Federal Department of Community Services and Health on June 6 to protest about health minister Brian Howe's inaction in releasing new drugs for AIDS sufferers in Australia. About 30
By Susan Price and Phillipa Stanford BRISBANE — While dozens of pro-choice supporters picketed for the second time outside the state Labor Conference here last week, inside, delegates voted to put the question of abortion back on the government's
By Scott Cardamatis The second national anti-fur day on June 1 was marked by demonstrations in each capital city. In the largest anti-fur protest yet in this country, 300 people marched through the streets of Sydney. In the past 12 months, the
By Peter Boyle Employers across the country must have enjoyed the page 3 article in the May 31 Australian. '"Victory for all' at SPC says chairman", boasted the headline. A smiling shop steward and a smiling boss were pictured beneath a kicker:
By Tracy Sorensen SYDNEY — The Wilderness Society's Karen Jurd dismissed the federal government's World Environment Day activities as a "sham". The government was attempting to "jump on the green bandwagon and drive it off the rails".
By Melanie Sjoberg MELBOURNE — With Victoria likely to go to the polls before the year is out, the Green Alliance has announced that it will stand two candidates in order to offer a real alternative to voters disillusioned with the major parties
White Chrysanthemums — No longer flavour of the month em = By Willy Bach Human Rights In polystyrene As we walked In sombre file Remember Savage slaughter Tienanmen Just two years ago And no-one wants To know Broken bodies That don't
Chill winds of competition "Television is interesting now, whereas before the only place you could hear a free debate or criticism of communism was in church or in a church hall." — Polish priest explaining why church attendance has dropped since