Renfrey Clarke

Rents must be frozen and the housing-price casino has to be shut down, starting with the tax rorts. Tax incentives should be available only for building new housing that adds to existing stock, argues Renfrey Clarke.

Sit down protest

Thousands of people joined protests on the weekend of April 7, marking six full months of Israel's intensified genocide against the people of Gaza.

Palm Sunday protesters in Meanjin/Brisbane call for peace and a ceasefire, March 24

The traditional Palm Sunday rallies for peace and refugee rights were organised on the 24th week of continuous protests against Israel's genocide against the people of Gaza. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Renfrey Clarke argues that migrants are, unfortunately, the easy-to-blame scapegoats for a system that has lacked the vision and ability to provide affordable housing. 

Thousands are still joing weekly protests against Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza, which has cont

Tens of thousands joined protests condemning Australia's support for Israel's genocidal assault, which includes supplying arms and military intelligence.

Thousands marched again against Israel’s genocide in Gaza, in some cities for the 16th week in a row, and after Labor suspended aid to the Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees.

The movement for Palestine in Australia is maintaining its pressure on Labor to abandon its support for Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza. Peter Boyle, Renfrey Clarke and Jacob Andrewartha report.

For the third time in less than a month, at least 2000 people condemned Israel’s assault on Gaza. Renfrey Clarke reports.

Jason Bilney, Chair of the Barngarla Determination Aboriginal Corporation that led the fight to stop the radioactive dump, described the judge’s finding as a “victory for all First Nations people”. Renfrey Clarke reports.

Whistleblower David McBride and John Shipton, father of jailed journalist Julian Assange, called for his immediate release from Britain’s Belmarsh prison. Renfrey Clarke reports.

A protest about soaring rents and a lack of housing affordability was organised outside Parliament House. Renfrey Clarke reports.


Supporters of the Barngarla people gathered outside the Federal Court to protest continuing moves to put a nuclear waste dump on First Nations land near Kimba. Renfrey Clarke reports.