Kamala Emanuel

As the Berejiklian government tries to soften people up for "opening up", three residents discuss the harsh lockdown in Sydney West.

Meraj Khan and David Shoebridge discuss vaccine nationalism and the ban on travel from India into Australia.

Jocelynne Scutt and Kamala Emanuel discuss the meaning, the merits and the limits of the "rule of law", Christian Porter's defamation case against the ABC and how the "justice" system should deal with rape and sexual assault.

International Women's Day rally in Sydney

Christian Porter and Scott Morrison have tried their hardest to confuse the issues surrounding credible allegations of rape. Sarah Hathway and Kamala Emanuel argue grassroots mobilisations like #March4Justice can have a major impact.

Janine Hendry, Sarah Hathway and Kamala Emanuel discuss the issues around sexual assault and profile the March4Justice on March 15.

Angela Lynch discusses the impact of the merger of the Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court on victims and survivors of domestic violence.

Episode 4 of the Green Left Show features David Spratt, Pip Hinman and Kamala Emanuel discussing the climate targets we need today.

This interview with Federico Fuentes unpacks the issues around the December 6 national assembly elections in Venezuela.

Kamala Emanuel harassed by police for holding a sign

Refugee activist and medical doctor Kamala Emanuel was arrested by Queensland Police on May 15 for holding a sign which read: 'COVID-19: Just one more reason to free the refugees'. Here is her account of the events.

Refugees deserve a safe home

Dozens of refugees detained at a hotel in Kangaroo Point, Brisbane, staged a protest on their balconies on April 24 to highlight the risk of catching COVID-19 while detained, reports Kamala Emanuel.

Abortion doctor and long-term pro-choice campaigner Kamala Emanuel outlines why abortion must be seen as a health issue, at an International Working Women's Day rally in Brisbane on March 8.

Margaret Atwood's 2019 Booker Prize-winning novel The Testaments is her response to the question of readers of The Handmaid's Tale: how did Gilead fall? She's had 35 years to come up with the answer, and she doesn't disappoint.