Jim McIlroy

Bus drivers held a four hour stop-work on August 24 to demand improved conditions and COVID-19 safety measures, reports Jim McIlroy.

Billionaire mining magnate Clive Palmer has launched multiple court actions against the Western Australian government and its premier. Jim McIlroy argues that with organisation and struggle, we can challenge the ill-gotten wealth of the 1%.

A special inquiry into the Ruby Princess debacle has found authorities made “serious mistakes”, some even “inexcusable”. However, as Jim McIlroy reports, it did not recommend any action be taken against them.

Protesters gathered in Sydney’s Botanical Gardens on August 16 to express solidarity with the people of Bolivia in their struggle against dictatorial repression and for democratic rights, report Jim McIlroy and Coral Wynter.

Dan Lanzini and Gomilleroi man Kodi Brady are committed to saving the Pilliga State Forest. They spoke to Green Left about why they are against Santos’ push to set up industrial-scale coal seam gas wells in the last remaining substantial temperate forest in Australia.

Pressure is mounting on New South Wales Treasurer Dominic Perrottet to resign after revelations of financial scandals involving the state’s workers’ compensation scheme, reports Jim McIlroy.

Marking the 75th anniversary of the US nuclear attacks on Japan, anti-nuclear activists urged the federal government to ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, reports Jim McIlroy.

Pilliga Pottery co-founder and activist Maria Rickert says Santos must be stopped from creating a crime scene in the Pilliga State Forest, report Jim McIlroy and Coral Wynter.

Sydney Knitting Nannas and Friends rallied outside the offices of the Independent Planning Commission on August 6 before marching to NSW Parliament, reports Jim McIlroy.

The NSW Nurses and Midwives Association voted overwhelmingly against the New South Wales government’s public sector wage freeze at its annual conference, reports Jim McIlroy.

The release of the Palace letters between the governor general and the Queen have given renewed impetus for a republican movement, writes Jim McIlroy.

Human rights activist Stephen Langford has been charged with defacing the Governor Lachlan Macquarie statue in Hyde Park. Jim McIlroy reports his 'crime' was to paste Macquarie's own words to the statue.